This is based on a true story:
I went to traffic court (quite a number of years ago) as I was given a ticket for not coming to a full stop at a stop sign. And, that was true--I rolled right through that sucker.
Anyhow, the day I was in court, was the judge’s last day on the bench. He had been a judge for a very long time--40+ years. Apparently he was well-loved. Before the court started that day, there was a party for him in the court room, attended by people who worked in the courthouse. Attorneys, the press and defendants also showed up. (Everybody got pastry and coffee except the defendants).
Court finally comes into session. Perjury is discussed. The judge tells us we can plead either: guilty; guilty with an explanation; or not guilty. He says that guilty with an explanation is actually the same as guilty, but he will listen to our explanations.
The first two people plead guilty and both are fined. Next person pleads guilty with an explanation; the judge shakes his head and fines the person. Next person pleads not guilty giving the judge a ridiculous reason as to why he is not guilty. The judge nods and smiles and lets the defendant off. This goes on for awhile, people pleading guilty or guilty with an explanation being declared guilty with the judge shaking his head and groaning as if they just don’t get it. Anybody pleading innocent is declared innocent with the judge smiling and telling them to have a nice day and drive safely.
So, suppose you rolled through the stop sign, and swore to tell the truth in court under the threat of perjury, how would you plead?