How you get undressed...

I'm number 3. I often walk around, multi task or clean the house without my pants or shirt on. Uh, wait a minute, too much information!
I'm a 6

6) If you don't have an undressing routine and you never do it the same way twice....

I think it's more a function of how exhausted I am, how much I've had to drink, or what's going to happen next. ;) ;) ;)
The heck with the results, I just want to know who's doing the research...
6) If you don't have an undressing routine and you never do it the same way twice, you are a very curious and interesting person. You enjoy a broad range of activities. You take risks and enjoy fun and adventure. You are very sociable.

Let's see...
"undressing routine" true;
never do it " the same way twice (unles she complains)";
"curious, intertesting" , true, "are you sure that you want two girls to join us?";
"broad range", true, " on the kitchen counter, then on the bar?";
"risks, fun, adventure" true, see all above;

"sociable" true, but no more than 3 at a time. 8)
I'm #1 and #5 both.


I also drive my DH nuts!
Nords said:
The heck with the results, I just want to know who's doing the research...
You believe this kinda crap is actually based on research? I doubt it. :LOL:
((^+^)) SG said:
You believe this kinda crap is actually based on research?  I doubt it.   :LOL:

There you go SG, trying to spoil the fun. As for me, any way a woman wants to get undressed is welcome. I do have one preference-if possible, can the panties come off last? Oh, and one other thing- it is so sexy the way you women kind of stand on one leg in your panties and bra, and with your head tilted to the side remove your earrings.  :smitten:

Is that a natural female skill, or something you learn in college?

Gosh of my fondest memories was where the panties came off first, and nothing else.

Very recently former "miss budweiser" with three pet snakes.

I think you can take it from there. With this last bit and I quote "!".
HaHa said:
There you go SG, trying to spoil the fun. . .
There is plenty of fun before and after the undressing . . . regardless of the undressing style. :D :D :D
Then theres the complete lack of actual undressing, like what happens on the sidelines of a major sports field shortly after the words "I might be getting engaged..."..."I ^%$ing what?" happen.
Darn, I must be a glutten for punishment since it appears I should be a #2 but my undressing patterns are closer to a combination #1 and #6. :confused: :-\

By the way, do any of these come with either fried rice and a spring roll.? :D

Hhhmm, I'm definately a #5 & #2 (in that order). No wonder my DW keeps me around. Of course she is a #1 to the max and I have spent the last 26 years trying to understand why someone doesn't put away their clothes after removing them. Maybe by our 50th I'll be used to it......... Nah.
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