HSA & young children


Dryer sheet wannabe
Jan 4, 2006
I'm interested in HSA, but I wonder if I should hold off for a few more years because of our children. We have a 2 year old and a 5 year old. In thinking about the past year, I would guess that we visited the doctor about 1/ month, mostly due to the younger one w/ ear infections. The older one is down to 2-3 visits per year. With our copays, this would amount to approximately $300. However w/ the switch, we would pay approx. $1,200 for just the visit and not including any extra labs. I would guess that we would get close to hitting at least half the deductible. So I'm guessing that the visits will wind down soon.
Back to my original thought..... has anyone else come to the conclusion that these plans would not work well w/ young children involved?
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