Hummers: There they go again!


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Feb 20, 2010
Flyover country
The last couple of days, we have an astounding amount of activity at the hummingbird feeder. That's a sure sign the males are stoking up for a long flight (the males go back south a few weeks before the females).

This is early for them, since in the past this activity has always been in the latter half of August here. Probably another sign of climate change.

Has anyone else noticed this?
The last couple of days, we have an astounding amount of activity at the hummingbird feeder. That's a sure sign the males are stoking up for a long flight (the males go back south a few weeks before the females).

This is early for them, since in the past this activity has always been in the latter half of August here. Probably another sign of climate change.

Has anyone else noticed this?

I thought that this thread was going to be about 6000 pound Sport Utility Vehicles.
I thought that this thread was going to be about 6000 pound Sport Utility Vehicles.

They did announce there will be a kit to make the basic military style version in the last few days.

Never tracked my hummingbirds that closely.
The last couple of days, we have an astounding amount of activity at the hummingbird feeder. That's a sure sign the males are stoking up for a long flight (the males go back south a few weeks before the females).

This is early for them, since in the past this activity has always been in the latter half of August here. Probably another sign of climate change.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Yes! I just came back from the grocery store, stocking up on sugar to make more water for the hummingbirds! I have out 5 feeders, and there are sometimes 4 on a feeder. I thought the number this year might be up because of the extreme heat and drought killing off the flowers?
Unfair advantage here, we can typically get up 13 different species of Hummers. Today I sent in my rare bird alert for Lucifer's hummingbird, usually only found in Texas, rare here in AZ, but even rarer this year.

SE AZ Lucifer Hummingbird male Portal
7:01 AM (6 hours ago)

After hosting a pair of Lucifer Humming birds last year 6/5-9/19 2011, I was happy to find this bird working the sages Salvia darcyi. Showed no interest in the feeders Presently I also have Broad-tailed, Broad-billed, Rufous, Black-chinned, Anna's, and Blue-throated.

Dancing Turtle ranch
Portal, Arizona
Unfair advantage here

I am insanely jealous.

Here in the eastern half of North America, we only get one species, at least where I live.

Still, they bring joy to my heart every day they're here.

We have been keeping a hummingbird feeder near the back door for over 20 years (three different houses in that time), and they have always been there for our enjoyment.

Occasionally, I might forget the sunflower or thistle seed feeder for a day or two, but never the hummer feeder. Those little critters are just so incredible that I can't imagine letting them down.
The last couple of days, we have an astounding amount of activity at the hummingbird feeder. That's a sure sign the males are stoking up for a long flight (the males go back south a few weeks before the females).

This is early for them, since in the past this activity has always been in the latter half of August here. Probably another sign of climate change.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Yes, I have. The hummer wars are in full swing this week at our house :)
We got a nest on our wind chimes. Most years they use it. This year they didn't :( I think some of the problem is the local cats that come visit me. I mean come visit the nest :p
I bought a super fine hummer feeder a couple of months for our backyard - over two acres backing up to woods. Only seen a couple use it. A friend of mine in the area planted flowers that attract them and has had much better luck. Might try that next spring. Do love those little birds!

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