I came in peas. Board is testy lately

What other forum could have a post that starts out about the board being testy and end up  4 pages later talking about dropping pants in Spanish no less?
You guys are a trip. :LOL: :LOL:
OldAgePensioner said:
And I want to know the Spanish phrase for "spread your cheeks"? Damn Mexican doctors need to be clear what the gig is.

If el medico tells you the reason he's using dos palpar (~two fingers) for the exam is just in case you want a second opinion, just remember you get what you pay for. ;)

Very perceptive, Martha. A quality of yours which I have come to expect and value. ;)

Martha said:
Looks like a few of you guys have been without for awhile.

Some things are covered by private health insurance...
Some things are not...
Darn, I go out for the evening and this riot breaks out.  Where is nurse Ratchit?

First Martha (for us naive) without what, hmmm?  And, as JPatrick so eloquently points out (in emoticon style)  that's not a laughing matter.  :D

moghopper, are you saying my current BCBS plan does not cover the most important health issue known to "MAN".  I'm looking at a new plan, and Velvet Glove/Whip Inc.  looks pretty good.   :LOL:  I've never seen a handwritten policy before.

The rest of you better be tellin the truth on those Spanish phrases because I go in for my medical tomorrow.  Dr. Hose Castallon.  He's 6'8" and 400 lbs.  Are you sure it requires 2?  :-[
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