i did it , first day retired

Many hearty congrats. I've enjoyed your posts on this site and other related boards. They have challenged me to rethink my assumptions more than you know and made me a better investor. Thanks for your tireless efforts and sharing. Enjoy your retirement.
Congrats on being officially retired. Turn off that alarm clock, so you can sleep in to catch up on the lost sleep due to awake at 2:00 am time.
Congrats! My first two months (I am just ending my second month of FIRE) were part giddy, stress, disbelief, and every other emotion you can imagine.
And if the market tanks you will figure out what to do. I believe the resilient and resourceful tend to be the ones who can FIRE, so don't worry.
Outstanding! REAL life and time starts now....and ER time goes fast/way faster it seems, enjoy it!
as of last night i am now officially a retiree. i am unemployed for the first time.

now i get to stop waking up at 2:00 am and thinking about all the stresses of work and shift over to stressing about whether markets will have a deep long downturn right at my start.

you can't win ha ha ha

Congratulations !
congrats! Life 2.0 is beginning....only reason I'm up this early (4:50am) is to wait for coffee to brew, grab a cup and my fishing rod and go catch some white bass....

Love Love LOVE this. I'm 17 YEARS from FIRE, 46% from FI... I can honestly say, this sounds like an idea early morning.
Great News, mathjack107. My heartiest congratulations. Live long and prosper!
Congrats! You will be so happy!

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Congrats. Just remember despite what it says on the forum, you really don't get paid by the post.

True. But I think many of us do get paid not to post. Maybe it's just some of us that have that deal. A few of us? A small portion of a select few of us?
Congratuations mathjak, another long-timer joins the club!
the day just kind of popped up so quickly once i planned to retire .

the biggest taking used to is not going to be the pay checks given up but the loss of interaction between so many people every day .
Congratulations! Let us know when you begin to forget what day of the week it is. :confused:

Sent from my iPad using Early Retirement Forum
Congrats. I've been retired 8 years now. Hard to believe as it seems like less than half that. My last 8 years of work sure didn't pass as quick.
Congratulations Mathjak. I too had thought you were already retired. Lots of time now to smell the roses.
Congratulations mathjak.
thanks to all. i remember how far off it seemed when i first found this forum.

this forum has some of the smartest people on the planet when it comes to retirement planning .

i have stolen so many thoughts and ideas from here and have made them my own plan or view .

thanks to all who's ideas and thoughts i have taken ha ha ha .....

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