I Think This Law Enforcement Officer Should Be Fired

I don't believe so. They'd be traumatized.

ATTN texas proud: 'If' you were replying to me, you're on my ignore list, so I won't see it.

Interesting to find you are on someone's ignore list. I do wonder how they knew I posted anything since I was not quoted by anybody.

Also would know that I did not quote him, but to each their own.

Wonder if the ignore still shows I posted but does not show the post... hmmm, maybe...
In my state there are Civil Infractions for small crimes (ie minor traffic violations etc.) and Misdemeanors and Felonies for the more serious stuff.

In this case, the driver was charged with a Misdemeanor. Is OP suggesting that the Officer overcharged her? On the other hand was he looking for a Felony charge for speeding/distracted driving?

An 18 yo old broke the law and the officer who sighted her should be FIRED??

My advise, call your local law enforcement and request a ride along. You just might gain a little respect for those that protect and serve. Or .......well I would be banned if I said what I really thought of the OP's opinion.

Everything doesn't have to be a firing offense these days. Sheesh. Any mistake someone makes and people form a mob.

In NC, "wreckless driving" is more severe than speeding. I don't know if the kind upper midwest term is "careless" instead of "wreckless." If so, then it is more significant than speeding.

I would think that we should strive to drive "wrecklessly". Doesn't that mean "without a wreck"?

Now, "reckless" driving..........:LOL:
IMHO anyone caught doing 30+ miles over the posted speed limit should be arrested and made to spend the night in jail .Perhaps with one of those gadgets from "A Clockwork Orange" holding their eyes open while videos of fatal accidents and the aftermath are played in a continuous loop.

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