Berkshire Bull
of college that is... i have 3 semesters remaining and i can't wait to get out. thus far this semester, amonth the valuable things i have learned include:
1. The root of all evil is George W. Bush
2. Jesus was a vegetarian
3. Indians that are members of tribes with lucrative casinos are actually impovrished despite their montly stipend, free college, affirmative action... etc
4. The pentagon was not struck by a 757 on 9/11, it was a missile (possibly fired by karl rove, or it could have been rumsfeld as well)
But despite all this mis-education, my schooling will get only better, because as of this year, each student must pay an additional $33 a semester, on top of the $400 increase the state gave us each semester, to pay for the "recruiting and retention of minority and/or religeously diverse students"
i really hate universities
1. The root of all evil is George W. Bush
2. Jesus was a vegetarian
3. Indians that are members of tribes with lucrative casinos are actually impovrished despite their montly stipend, free college, affirmative action... etc
4. The pentagon was not struck by a 757 on 9/11, it was a missile (possibly fired by karl rove, or it could have been rumsfeld as well)
But despite all this mis-education, my schooling will get only better, because as of this year, each student must pay an additional $33 a semester, on top of the $400 increase the state gave us each semester, to pay for the "recruiting and retention of minority and/or religeously diverse students"
i really hate universities