I'm not a market timer, but...

A known expense is due in 55 days, when would you sell equities to raise the cash?

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I'm not a market timer, but I time my buy/sells very carefully :) To me this market is pretty tradeable,
1. pick a few dogs or stocks that got too hot, wait till we hit a new high, sell
2. wait for a pullback (because there is always another fire that is going to "crash the market")
3. eventually it will go up one day, don't buy
4. then it will go down again (fear of the sky falling)
5. then it will start going up again (now buy)
6. wait for new high
7. repeat

The only negative is the capital gains...stupid taxes. That seems to be the trend in the market for the last 2 years...and it seems to happen every time... I call it the Chicken Little stock market.
I have them highlited in green in my portfolio.

Quicken does it for me, and it uses the colors black and red. My problem is I have more red than black. :(
Quicken does it for me, and it uses the colors black and red. My problem is I have more red than black. :(
Those are lookin' back colors. Green looks forward.
Instead of Quicken, try Ouija...
Not necessarily. What do you mean by "long term"? Anybody really think the "long term" trend is down? We are already 16 yrs into a generational down/flat market. The second and third largest crashes ever, and back-to-back. Does anybody think we have another 50-60% flush coming up followed by 15-20 more years of essentially no gains?

If you want to talk "gut feelings", and things like "is it different this time"/"It's never different this time", the trajectory of history is actually indicating good times and good returns. Which never announce themselves.

Will they be as good as 1982-1999? That no one can say. But after 16 years of bad stuff, unless it's different this time, beyond the blue horizon lies the rising sun.

I just can't get away from the P/E thing. Seemingly overvalued for so long... has to come back to earth some time. Whether it'll take 4 mos. or 4 years, I have no clue.

it has reached the 52 week-high of 1,820 for some time already.
So what? Stocks hit a new high every 17 days on average. And if you're diversified (into bonds) then you don't worry about the stock market if you think it's over valued.

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