Improving endurance and flexibility

Do you mind sharing how you found her as I'm looking for a personal trainer that has the experience that yours does? Were you just lucky in finding her or did you do a special search to find her? ...
Sorry to say it was pure dumb luck. I started with a young woman trainer I found via poking around the internet. She decided that she didn't have the expertise to work with what someone 75YO needed, so she referred me on.
Sorry to say it was pure dumb luck. I started with a young woman trainer I found via poking around the internet. She decided that she didn't have the expertise to work with what someone 75YO needed, so she referred me on.

Good point. A trainer needs to understand that older folks have issues that younger ones don’t. Stress a joint when I was 45 and in less than a week I was back. Now, that’s a minimum two week hiatus to exercise that uses that joint.
Sorry to say it was pure dumb luck. I started with a young woman trainer I found via poking around the internet. She decided that she didn't have the expertise to work with what someone 75YO needed, so she referred me on.

That's too bad. Anyways, thanks for sharing.
I've been using a wobble board and it has been great for balance and integrating all of the little muscles that don't get enough work from a sedentary lifestyle. It's also vastly improved the ankle and calf inflexibility that's bothered me my whole life.
DH has recently started PT to strengthen his balance. Just started using the wobble board (the half ball type). We used it at the gym today and I was amazed at how bad his balance is based on what he couldn't do that was easy peasy for me. Now I have to admit I'm 7 years younger than he is, but as I always say to him, I stretch and incorporate various stretches and exercises in my daily life. He does not and is paying the price.
I'm a firm believer in flexibility being more important than strength as we age.

We have a stretching clinic in the next town and after my recovery from surgery on Thursday, I plan to sign up for a number of sessions. Not cheap ($29 for a half hour) but I think it will be worthwhile. Some strong person just stretches the crap out of you.

My current ailment has me walking like an old man!

I've read several expert opinions and believe that stretching is highly overrated. It's also a waste of "exercise" time that could be better utilized.

Strength training is crucial, especially as people age but the good news is that it also improves flexibility as your muscles go through a full range of motion during a proper workout.

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