ING Pop-Up from Asking not accusing...

I would, but not sure I'm staying on this forum if these pop ups can't be removed. I get them every time I change pages. Even getting to this page, I got full screen pop ups. Had to close four of them to enter this reply.


Try posting in a different thread. Perhaps that will help.

Yesterday I got a full page popup that was hard to get past. :mad:

This morning so far, no popups. I'm connected via wifi at a Toyota dealership. We'll see what happens when I hit the home router later today. Fingers crossed.
it is back and blinking and when you hit the x to close it opens up..

ipad for sale
You guys are scaring me! But I'm still not getting the pop up on my iPad. Fingers crossed!:hide:

IPad3 running iOS 5.1.1
I hadn't seen them previously - but they seem to be popping up on my android tablet now. (Motorola Xoom.)
Annoying... but not enough to keep me away.
I am wondering if it is this site or from someplace else...

I get popups on my Android.... there is an Obama ad that seems to float over what I want to read and when I move my page, it moves also...

Very annoying....
I have seen the exact same banner on other web sites, and from Andy's comments, this is not generated by E-R forum.
Only seen the ING popup in the iPad.

Periodically get message to use the iPad app. I get that on several forums.

I don't mind the idea of apps for forums but can't see the point of having multiple apps. for all the forums I browse regularly.

Plus, I rely on email notifications for new posts to threads so when I click the link in the email, it opens up the thread page in Safari.

Does the app. keep track of what you've read in each subscribed thread? If you've read the first 3 pages out of a 4-page thread, will it take you to page 4 automatically? Does the app. use push notifications to indicate new posts?
Does the app. keep track of what you've read in each subscribed thread? If you've read the first 3 pages out of a 4-page thread, will it take you to page 4 automatically?

Yes, it does on my iphone.
now Home Depot popup

this popup is really bad...please help...going back to ap with no ads at all.

Not saying a word but something didn't show up this morning.
I just started browsing the ER forums on my iPad.

Cheezus H. Christ on a crutch, are these ads annoying. I got the dreaded popups until I logged in, and hopefully we won't have to see that crap anymore. But I already miss AdBlock; Chrome apparently doesn't have an iPad version of it yet.

I don't know who's working on getting this fixed, but how 'bout an update? Otherwise I'm done browsing here with an iPad.
I'm on day two with no popups, and it's not due to anything I changed...shhhhhh
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