Insert image problems

I'm trying to insert an image through a link to a Google photo. Nothing shows up.

here's my post:

Any ideas why the photo doesn't show up? I can copy/paste the link in a web browser and get it.

I’m not sure but I changed it to a link while we work on it.

I think you have to save the picture to your computer and then upload it to your account here on Then you can link it into your post. I’m not sure if there is a way to use a link and get it to show up directly in a post.

Uploading it into my album on and linking from there is the only way I know to do it
Thanks Jerry & Aerides. I was trying to see if a link makes the photos clearer. The easy way of just making an attachment ends up as a somewhat blurry image - at least for me.
The train pic was taken on a dslr and is about 36mb, I cannot even save it down to below 2mb that the software allows.

Years ago I used to post photos using a link to my Flickr account, but I no longer have the account so I thought that Google photos.

I'll try a link to my computer as Aerides described
Yes, the size limits in forum software can be a problem. But if I click on your link I see the photo in all its glory. No other way, I'm afraid.
You can't directly embed an image using the share link from google photos. You have to use the link to the actual image, not the link to the share page, which is what you get when you tell google to share the photo. The easiest way to get the image link is to go through a 3rd party site that will extract it from the share link for you. I used this one:

to get this link

and that should work with the "insert image" tool on the forum, like this:
If I really, really want to past a google drive link here, the transform is like this.

Copy the sharing link:
Put the ID only into a valid image link for E-R:
Copy and use the second link in IMG insert dialog.
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