Interesting read here, Military issues.


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 28, 2005
Interesting read here, Military issues. That affect All of society.

We really do need to support these men and women when they come home. Geesh.

Serious help should be standard.

Here is an interesting comment from the article....

Few of these 121 war veterans received more than a cursory mental health screening at the end of their deployments, according to interviews with the veterans, lawyers, relatives and prosecutors. Many displayed symptoms of combat trauma after their return, those interviews show, but they were not evaluated for or received a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder until after they were arrested for homicides.

“You are unleashing certain things in a human being we don’t allow in civic society, and getting it all back in the box can be difficult for some people,” said William C. Gentry, an Army reservist and Iraq veteran who works as a prosecutor in San Diego County.
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My Uncle the WWII vet never really got over it. He crossed the beach at Normandy (2d Day), God only knows what he saw. I know he killed people including children during the war. It destroyed the rest of his life. He was never the same.

However he never commited any crimes or hurt anyone after he came back no matter how "stressed" he was. He tried to help other Vets with their problems and was often the one people went to for help. I have personally seen people at his house thanking him for helping them figure out how to get disability or treatment for their or their spouce's problems.

I think the VA is pretty overloaded at this time and people are not getting the help they need.
Having worked as a "War Veterans Claims Agent" for the state of Virginia for a very short period. I can attest for some very troubled cases and several that really needed help that was not available but no one I assisted or helped ever hurt anyone to my knowledge. War can truly be Hell, depending on your assignment and can be very difficult especially when we send some very young people into that mess. I just hope that now that the issue has a little better focus that anyone that really needs the help gets it.

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