Interesting take on SS

Not too long ago the concern was that baby boomers were all going to retire and suck the life out of SS. Then later it was determined that most people don't have enough saved to live on SS during retirement and will have to continue to work longer thereby contributing to the system.

I don't think anyone really knows enough to predict with any certainty what will happen with SS and if they do they are'nt telling the whole story.

All I know is I probably don't have more than 20 years (maybe 25 if I'm lucky) and I have saved enough to see me through. I've done all I can and based on my income and type of work I chose I contributed more (proportionately) than most to society in both time and money. If SS doesn't last for my children I hope they have enough sense to save for their old age too. If lucky they will also have an inheritance to add to that. Not much more I can do.

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