Intro and help request...looking for trustees


Recycles dryer sheets
Aug 13, 2008
Greeetings all,

Been reading the board for several months and have
never officially introduced myself, so I figured I'd go

I'm 32, DW 29, 1 YO son. I have 11 years of service in
my county as a firefighter/medic (and almost a year of
leave, but who's counting?)

My county's plan for FD workers gives an unreduced pension
@ 25 yrs service. There is a reduced option @ 20
years of service which I'm shooting for. My goal is to retire
at 41 (I tell myself I want to be like Nords), take some
seminary classes and do some chaplain volunteer work
for my department.

Anyway, I'm not a trustee, but I'm quite involved with my
union and my pension board. I'd be very interested
in talking with anyone here who had trustee experience
or any pension negotiation experience. My county
is looking at potential lay offs, so we're exploring other options
including purchase of service credits for military and other
service (thus enabling people to retire earlier, and not have
to lay off rookies).

Please feel free to pm me if you have any experiences
related to any of this. Thanks for your time.


As a postscript, since I know pensions can sometimes
be an inflammatory subject on this board...
My county's pension does allow for an annuity to be
drawn fairly early for safety members; however
to throw in a few qualifiers in defense of public pensions:

In my county's plan,
/There is no paid health insurance bene for retirees.
/Any purchase of service (if allowed) will be at full actuarial cost.
/Overtime can not be included in final pay calculation.
/The annuity is reduced almost in half for those retiring w/ only 20 yrs.
/There is another reduction in the annuity when the employee
hits SS age.
one more family member...

oh... and since this seems to be a fairly pet friendly board
based on a lot of other pictures I've seen,

I wanted to introduce our dog Sean Connery.

The picture on the left is him as a pup. He's almost
three now.

So in addition to pm's about pension credit purchases,
any pm's about shelties are more than welcome...

Well, I have nothing to offer on pensions that is particularly noteworthy, but the sheltie is adorable! I have had a couple of merle border collie fosters that looked a lot like your little fellow. A great name, too!
Welcome! I can't help with your questions, but I have no objection whatsoever to your pension plan. It's just one part of a total compensation package, and I suspect that you probably aren't paid in salary what you're really worth. The pension just helps balance that out a little.

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