Is age 65 1/2 right for a Geriatric doctor?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 12, 2011
Fair Lawn
I plan to leave my current family doctor, as I was not happy with his cavalier approach to my recent illness. There are a gazillion choices in my area, so I'm dealing with information overload.
After checking my insurer's site for doctors in their plan, I'm looking at reviews such as Healthgrades. I just came across a candidate, who is an Internist with a specialty in Geriatrics. It took a few seconds before it dawned on me that maybe I'm in that category now.
Any general suggestions as to how to identify a decent doctor? Any thoughts about a Geriatric specialist? My main concern is that I have leukemia and as a result a compromised immune system. So, when I get even mildly sick it has the potential to become serious quickly (I just got over an in-hospital stay for pneumonia, for example).
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Have you considered asking your oncologist for recommendations?

In my area Gerontologists usually are physicians for patients in long term care facilities but you should contact that physician's office to ascertain the scope of care. In my community there are a number of continuing care communities, you could contact a social worker in such a community for the names of physicians who their residents like.
.. Any general suggestions as to how to identify a decent doctor? ...
I had an experience that caused me to change my strategy with doctors. Formerly, I pretty much took whoever was available when I needed a specialist or to change family doctors. Now I try very hard to select based on expertise.

1) Best is to consult other doctors and health care professionals, asking who would they use or would recommend to one of their family members. This is not just people you see as professionals but also ones you know socially. I'll even ask them to contact friends for recommendations. Network. Network. Network.

2) I'll review the credentials of recommended docs on line. What schools? What fellowships? What awards? Mayo? Cleveland Clinic? I also want to see some experience, though not so much that they might be out of date.

The "rate your doc" sites are worse than useless. They are just popularity contests. I would rather have a competent jerk than a engaging new friend who is a know-nothing. I already have a dog.

3) One of our local magazines publishes a "Top Docs" issue every year. They build the list by canvassing doctors and nurses for recommendations.

4) After a preliminary selection, I'll listen carefully to the doc. I want to hear "I don't know" because that's a clue to honesty. I want to see the doc looking things up and consulting colleagues, because no one knows everything. One doc I like particularly cemented his position for me when he looked at the computer screen, then looked at me and said "Well I suppose if I'm not going to treat you according to the standard protocol I'd better explain why." Ka-ching! That guy will never lie to me and he will never pretend to know something he doesn't know.

On the flip side, I had an appointment with a new doc (a referral) and he started to argue with my about the symptoms I was describing. "No, I don't think it is really like that." A big-ego guy like that who jumps to conclusions will kill someone some day if he hasn't already. I was outta there.

Gerontologist or Internist? Look for both, find your best-looking candidate and ask him or her. If they say they are not the right flavor, ask for a recommendation.
I thought geriatrics did n't start until you were at least 85, although I suppose everybody ages differently.
I’m not quite there yet, but I will relate what occurred recently when we moved to a new area. I met with a new doctor and had to interrupt him in the middle of him asking the usual fluffy medical questions - I explained I wanted a relationship with him as a healthy, thriving adult - NOT as a 63yr old. I insisted that he not categorize me in that manner ... I had enough people already asking me if I was working ...I usually say I am between jobs - most get the point.

Unfortunately, he left the practice without much notice ...not sure why. Have to start over.

Don’t categorize me based on my age ...��
Sounds as if you have need for a team of physicians.

I have a church friend that is an internal medicine doctor and an oncologist. He also completed his Doctor of Divinity so he has all the bases covered.

Check around and it is not hard to find medical people in your community that can suggest a physician that suits your needs!
Have you considered asking your oncologist for recommendations?

In my area Gerontologists usually are physicians for patients in long term care facilities but you should contact that physician's office to ascertain the scope of care. In my community there are a number of continuing care communities, you could contact a social worker in such a community for the names of physicians who their residents like.

I would definitely get recommendations for a primary care/family doctor from a specialist I trust. Your concerns would be good to bring up with your oncologist - that cavalier business is not good.

Don’t know about the geriatric care bit.
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