Is anyone worried about the state of this country?

2005 - Troll of the year - Marketneutral

2006 - Troll of the year - starting to see some candidates :D
Personally, I'd be happy to take a dump on Bush's head if I were given the opportunity. If it were Cheney, I'd be aiming for his mouth.

But let's at least be civil here, guys.
brewer12345 said:
Personally, I'd be happy to take a dump on Bush's head if I were given the opportunity. If it were Cheney, I'd be aiming for his mouth.

But let's at least be civil here, guys.

I will wisely refrain from commenting on your sentiments since I would risk being labeled anti-American, or worse still, a troll. As to being civil, well I don't see a problem. So far eveybody on this thread has been well behaved.
mike-1 said:
So far eveybody on this thread has been well behaved.

mike-1, after unregistering on the forum a few weeks back did you decide to return and re-register so you could change that? Here is what you said before you left last time:

If somehow I don't meet your personal exacting standards or expectations as to how one is supposed to conduct oneself at a forum well that is lamentable but there is really nothing I, or you, can do to change that.

Just to be sure you haven't forgotten, in response to your post above and to your general conduct you were informed that was what moderators were for [doing something about it] and that if your behavior was deemed offensive, your text would be edited or deleted. Repetitive offenses are met with blocking IP addresses.

Now make your mother proud of you... ;)
Zipper, I got banned at neither, I still frequent one and I refuse to post at the other because of over censorship, in spite of being invited to.

CFB, I have no idea what you are saying, I suspect neither do you.

True, we do not spend money on a Military but on Social programmes, but you only need an Army to Invade someone, who are we going to Invade:confused:

Who is the US going to defend us from, the US?? :angel:

My Father phrased the same message a little differently. He said "Don't be an idiot just because everyone else is being one." Brought back a good memory. :)

Try being proud to be a Canadian instead of slamming the US. Boast about Canadian accomplishments. No one is perfect and perhaps least of all us or them. I get annoyed at some of the things they do, also I get annoyed at things the Canadian government does. But I would be a lot more annoyed if I were a near slave in Communist China or a woman in pre 2002 Afganistan.

REWahoo! said:
mike-1, after unregistering on the forum a few weeks back did you decide to return and re-register so you could change that? Here is what you said before you left last time:

Just to be sure you haven't forgotten, in response to your post above and to your general conduct you were informed that was what moderators were for [doing something about it] and that if your behavior was deemed offensive, your text would be edited or deleted. Repetitive offenses are met with blocking IP addresses.

Now make your mother proud of you... ;)

You should all know by now that I always behave myself.


As to the rest of your post, pray tell is that supposed to be friendly advice? Or a rebuke? Perhaps a well-deserved lecture?

Now I can't be responsible if some here are a little thin-skinned. If you people bothered to read my earlier posts, and there aren't that many, you should by now have easily figured out that it is indeed legitimate to criticise the US without blasting all 250 million of you. Now, boys and girls, what's so difficult to understand?
I just ran across this thread today. I read a few posts at the beginning and several at the end. I don't know what happened in the middle, but in answer to the original question, this thread has given me even more reason to worry. :-X Jeeez.

It's amazing the lengths some will go to - just to sell kayaks.

boy o boy!
Maximillion said:
True, we do not spend money on a Military but on Social programmes, but you only need an Army to Invade someone, who are we going to Invade:confused:

You may have missed this item.

Reference is made about Canada and Denmark competing over an island in the artic. Both claim it is theirs. This obscure strip of land, Hans Island, is some few hundred feet in length.

The BBC link above provides the gory detail.

However I am glad to report that diplomacy prevailed and WW3 was thus averted. The world can breathe a sigh of relief.

Yeah, I imagine the canadian navy can add some kayaks to their fleet of 30 or so ships to replace the thousands of US navy ships in keeping the worldwide shipping lanes open and relatively free of piracy and other hazards. In return, we can convert our fleet into cruise ships, and between the operating cost savings and cruise income, pay for national health care, put all sorts of social reforms in place, and fund a variety of internet forums where pompous buttheads from the US taunt the remaining canadians that arent subsequently wiped out by a seal invasion, instead of pompous candian buttheads turning an american early retirement forum into a troll haven.

Come on CFB.

Just because Howard has been acting like an idiot doesn't mean you have to insult the rest of us.
Zipper said:
Come on CFB.

Just because Howard has been acting like an idiot doesn't mean you have to insult the rest of us.

'sokay, zipper, he insulted most Merkins with his obnoxious flag-waving diatribe. Just ignore it, or at least be charitable to ascribe it to "chemical influence."
Cute 'n' Fuzzy Bunny said:
Yeah, I imagine the canadian navy can add some kayaks to their fleet of 30 or so ships to replace the thousands of US navy ships in keeping the worldwide shipping lanes open and relatively free of piracy and other hazards. In return, we can convert our fleet into cruise ships, and between the operating cost savings and cruise income, pay for national health care, put all sorts of social reforms in place, and fund a variety of internet forums where pompous buttheads from the US taunt the remaining canadians that arent subsequently wiped out by a seal invasion, instead of pompous candian buttheads turning an american early retirement forum into a troll haven.

I just wanna hear what the problem is.
Interested in if there are any new drums to beat or the same old, tired ones.

That hotdog from Sam's must be giving you gas. :eek:
Zipper said:
Come on CFB.

Just because Howard has been acting like an idiot doesn't mean you have to insult the rest of us.

Unless you're a pompous butthead troll (and I dont see that you are), I cant see where I insulted anyone.
Cute 'n' Fuzzy Bunny said:
Unless you're a pompous butthead troll (and I dont see that you are), I cant see where I insulted anyone.
Ooops I thought you were speaking to me.
In which case, let me say you have a lot to offer the forum and certainly keep it hopping!
Odds are 50:50 that the Canadians will pull out of Afghanistan when they start taking serious casualties. Military will want to stay, but the home front will yank them out.
mark500 said:
Odds are 50:50 that the Canadians will pull out of Afghanistan when they start taking serious casualties. Military will want to stay, but the home front will yank them out.

I would put the odds much higher than that. It was riduculous to have sent troops there in the first place.
Cute 'n' Fuzzy Bunny said:
.... where pompous buttheads from the US taunt the remaining canadians that arent subsequently wiped out by a seal invasion, instead of pompous candian buttheads turning an american early retirement forum into a troll haven.


très drôle

George must be getting awfully lonely in Washington, seems everyone is leaving.

A friend of mine, former US Marine used to always tease me with the fact that most Canadians live within 100km's of the Border.

He failed to realise that Cream and Bastards rise to the top.
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