Not personal at all. This was a long time ago (late 70s, early 80s). But I showed mostly Balinese and some Siamese. I don't know if you go to particular shows for particular associations but in case you do know anything about this a bit of history.
Back in the late 70s the main cat associations were CFA and then I guess 2nd was ACFA. CFA was much slower to accept the newer breeds and they often had little chance there in their early years. So raising Balinese (relatively new for CFA) I ended up mostly showing in ACFA. I didn't realist at the time but there were huge splits within ACFA and soon after I started showing ACFA split in half. I lived in Texas and an ACFA judge there founded TICA. I was a charter member. It was a huge adventure for someone new to showing since they were building an association from the ground up. It was a very big question whether TICA could even survive. (By the way the Siamese I showed were tortiepoints so in CFA were called colorpoints). Anyway, I was very active for a few years. But this was early in my career (I had just gotten out of school when I got involved) and ultimately cat shows and breeding weren't really something I could combine with my work. So, at that point, I happily became simply a cat owner. I used to occasionally go to shows but probably haven't been to one in 10 or 15 years. I really ought to go to one now that we've moved.
We moved about 1500 miles a little over 3 months ago and are about to close on a house next week. I had never moved out of my home state before so it has been a huge adjustment. We are happy we moved. We are happy with the new location. But, I have come to realize how very different one part of the country can be from another. I keep getting completely surprised....
I´m not from USA so I´m unfortunately not familiar with CFA, ACFA etc, but I do like siamese cats A LOT! Balinese are beautiful as well but I have little to no knowledge about them. Siamese on the other hand, I have been thinking about that breed a lot to buy for my cat as a friend but I think maybe siamese a bit TOO vocal/loud. I don´t know but I always liked them so much, siamese, orientals but also maine coon, norweigan forest cat are on my top list.
I was on the cat show recently and for the one who asked before, no way, this is not some circus show This was almost only for cat breeders, so there were lots of different types of breeds, champion only though, I was only there as a guest but I saw all breeds there and which one who took home the prices for best in show etc.
I can stronly recommend you to visit a cat show again if it was long time since you went on one. On the shows I go to the cats are taken very good care of but I wouldn´t support any cat show if I got the feeling they were misstreated etc, those things are just so sad to watch.