It was 10 years ago today...


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 8, 2012
Today marks the 10th anniversary of my very first post here at! Just wanted to mark the occasion by saying how much I've appreciated being a part of this community all these years. Even though I don't post nearly as much as some of you early retirees do, I visit the site almost every day and always look forward to browsing the new threads and catching up on all the latest.

Thanks to everyone here (especially the mods and the long-time members) for helping ease me into FIRE back in 2013-2014 and making my early-retiree life much more enjoyable and satisfying. :flowers:

My very first post, exactly one decade ago:
10 years and you are still here. It all worked out well for you. I first joined back in 2013 as well, although Sept of the year. I was still working, but the forum here has been a great resource and help to me over the years. Hopefully I have contributed back as well. You're right that the experience here is what helps many in the early stages of retirement or contemplating retirement. Plus the high knowledge on just about any question, financial or not that is asked, someone on the forum here typically has a good answer to that question.
Glad you are still around, posting, and enjoying retirement!
I agree this is a great forum and the moderators do an incredible job, along with posters who generally are informative, kind, thoughtful, and often funny!
Congratulations! Time flies, doesn't it!

I lurked for a few years before I joined, and when I finally worked up the courage to join - I was rejected by the forum system as being some type of a spam bot. That set me back about two years, during which time I continued to lurk, before I tried again. I do feel that the forum has offered a lot of good advice.

It's coming up on my decade in this great place. I was done working in early spring 2013 but hadn't left Megacorp yet. I joined here at the beginning of April and left Megacorp a month later. It's hard to believe 10 years have passed, and I am certainly glad I found this place that allowed me to take my life back.

It's coming up on my decade in this great place. I was done working in early spring 2013 but hadn't left Megacorp yet. I joined here at the beginning of April and left Megacorp a month later. It's hard to believe 10 years have passed, and I am certainly glad I found this place that allowed me to take my life back.

+1, couldn't have said it better myself. Congrats on your soon-to-be 10 years!
Congratulations! Time flies, doesn't it!

Yes it does! Truly hard to believe it was a full decade ago when I first dipped my toes in here. Sure glad I did though... it was life changing.
This will make my tenth year posting here too... (2013 must have been a good year. :) I've really enjoyed being one of the contrarians on many topics. However, I'm still learning new things here regularly.
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5 years for me and 10k+ posts, although a lot less lately.
Yes it does! Truly hard to believe it was a full decade ago when I first dipped my toes in here. Sure glad I did though... it was life changing.

So Sojourner, since your 1st post 10 years ago your investments were at 2million so has it went backwards or farther forward just curious since you were withdrawing and not putting in and congrats at 10 years of retirement
So Sojourner, since your 1st post 10 years ago your investments were at 2million so has it went backwards or farther forward just curious since you were withdrawing and not putting in and congrats at 10 years of retirement

Hi @mebden, I'm happy to report that my net worth (minus the value of my home) peaked at around $5.3 million before the big market pullback this year. So it definitely went up quite a bit from those early days of my FIRE journey. The power of the broad equity markets, coupled with passive index investing and LBYM, is truly amazing. I feel lucky to have seen that first-hand over the past 10 years.
It is a great community, and we’re glad you’re among the many great members. Made me look at how long I’ve been hanging around. :eek:
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Good post! I started lurking around 2013 or 2014, joined in 2017, and retired in 2019. This forum helped me so much while I was trying to figure it all out - the people hare are simply the best!
Hi @mebden, I'm happy to report that my net worth (minus the value of my home) peaked at around $5.3 million before the big market pullback this year. So it definitely went up quite a bit from those early days of my FIRE journey. The power of the broad equity markets, coupled with passive index investing and LBYM, is truly amazing. I feel lucky to have seen that first-hand over the past 10 years.

Thats what I like to hear Sojourner, because when I do pull the plug from work I will always live below my means even if I had a billion dollars as I buy what's needed not what's wanted as this will help me meet my numbers to FIRE. Just good to now it grows well if your not wasting money.
Congrats on the 10-year anniversary. Later this month will be 10 years for me as well.

I was 36 when I joined and had ~$170K in investable assets. I flirted with a million at the end of 2021, and haven't been near it since, lol. I'll get back there soon enough :)
Congrats on the 10-year anniversary. Later this month will be 10 years for me as well.

I was 36 when I joined and had ~$170K in investable assets. I flirted with a million at the end of 2021, and haven't been near it since, lol. I'll get back there soon enough :)
Well if you have at least ~215k now you are keeping up with inflation. More than that and your buying power is increasing. :) (Just another way to look at it) :)

Woot! Woot! Congrats! I would have to go digging but I think I joined up around the same time. Maybe? I dunno...guess I could go look. Like you, I have found it interesting how NW continues to grow even when NOT w*rking. It's quite amazing.

Edit: My bad. I didn't technically join until May of '13 although I am sure I lurked a bit before joining.

Next time I am in town, we will need to get an adult beverage but at a new place since they tore down our last watering hole!
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Woot! Woot! Congrats! I would have to go digging but I think I joined up around the same time. Maybe? I dunno...guess I could go look. Like you, I have found it interesting how NW continues to grow even when NOT w*rking. It's quite amazing.

Edit: My bad. I didn't technically join until May of '13 although I am sure I lurked a bit before joining.

Next time I am in town, we will need to get an adult beverage but at a new place since they tore down our last watering hole!

Thanks, EFB5! Great to hear from you, and congrats on your (upcoming) 10 year mark. I guess we are both fortunate that we made it to 10 years feeling happy and content with our FIRE decision, with no regrets!

I will PM you later today :greetings10:
Hi @mebden, I'm happy to report that my net worth (minus the value of my home) peaked at around $5.3 million before the big market pullback this year. So it definitely went up quite a bit from those early days of my FIRE journey. The power of the broad equity markets, coupled with passive index investing and LBYM, is truly amazing. I feel lucky to have seen that first-hand over the past 10 years.

That's a nice stash - even if reduced by the bear. Enjoy and congrats on 10 years here.
Congratulations! I'm coming up on my 12th year of having joined in here but had been lurking for perhaps 5 years prior. This site is, by far, the best of the internet and the mods help make it so! Some really great collective wisdom here.
Great thread in honor of our brilliant forum! I’ve lurked, posted, and learned way more than anywhere else. Consider the opinions, the article links, the graphs, the advice, and gentle steering away from politics (thank you mods) that have helped so many of us. Through the pandemic, understanding the financial world when there’s so much useless noise out there.

I mostly appreciate the responses. Ask simple or complex questions and you’ll get a menagerie of intelligent opinions from all walks of life. Thanks, Sojourner for pointing this out.
The power of the broad equity markets, coupled with passive index investing and LBYM, is truly amazing. I feel lucky to have seen that first-hand over the past 10 years.

I feel the same as you! Nowhere’s near your NW, but I’m so much smarter and better off since coming here and learning from others. I’ve got 6 more years, crossing my fingers and toes!
Sojourner, congratulations and yes what a great place to be part of. The knowledge and wisdom and willing to help is second to none here on ER.

Thank You.
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