It's Raining In Texas


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 25, 2005
Yes it is, though not right now. I just returned from a 10 day trip to find rhe back yard , at least half of it, flooded. We have been here 30 years, and never seen the yard so wet. Since the house is on an inclining street, my neighbors yard drains into mine. I'm going to install a French Drain. But it's got to dry a little. Rain predicted for most of next week.

Just another opportunity to spend that investment loot.
We did get a lot of rain last week. I am just east of Roanoke and we did not get the worst of it.
The light drizzle we got this morning was the 11th day in a row it has rained here in NW Ohio. You can barely walk through the yard because of mud. WE haven't had a decent stretch of weather since early October last year....absolutely NO farmers in the fields, and honestly would be another week with dry weather. (rain forecasted 4 out of 5 days this week).
Yes it is, though not right now. I just returned from a 10 day trip to find rhe back yard , at least half of it, flooded. We have been here 30 years, and never seen the yard so wet. Since the house is on an inclining street, my neighbors yard drains into mine. I'm going to install a French Drain. But it's got to dry a little. Rain predicted for most of next week.

Just another opportunity to spend that investment loot.

We rerouted some of our back yard drainage but have yet to get any rain to test it! Thunderstorms and squall lines keep passing north and south of us but not any here.
......Since the house is on an inclining street, my neighbors yard drains into mine. I'm going to install a French Drain.....
Seems like it should work, IF you can maintain a slope to an outlet. I have seen some install what they called a French Drain, but it was really a dry well, no outlet. And those are a total waste of time with our silty expansive clay soil, the dry well just fills up, and that's it. The clay soil has too low of a percolation rate for a dry well to work.

I wonder what the degradation factor versus time would be for a French Drain system around here, due to the very fine silty soil eventually plugging it up. Like how soon "eventually" would be.

We had 4.7" of rain, then we had ~3.8", no hail yet, so I'm good... so far.
Friday and Saturday's storms gave us about 5" of rain here in Houston.
We had 4.7" of rain, then we had ~3.8", no hail yet, so I'm good... so far.
Texas sure got a lot of rain in the past few days! Whew. What an awful disaster and what a sad news story about that poor man who drowned in his car after it was washed away.

No wonder we had a lot of rain predicted as the storms moved in this direction. They probably thought we'd get what Texas got. But, despite predictions, we only got 1"-2" in my neighborhood here in an inner New Orleans suburb.

Friday night, it was thundering loudly all night while raining off and on. I only got about 2 hours' sleep that night, due to the loud thunder.
Yep - same here in Austin! Middle of the week heavy rains for the last 2 weeks. Now May is usually a web month with a couple of historical Memorial Day Floods in the past, but we seem to be getting it every week.
Same here in east/central Texas. Rain gauge has overfilled twice in the past month or so. Some large hail and several F2's and at least one F3 Tornado passing within 50 miles too. Some homes around here were without power for almost a week. It's mostly rural open country around here but some homes, cars and a lot of trees were damaged or destroyed. I took the two pictures below several weeks ago while driving thru the area.

Typical Spring season for anyone considering a move to Texas. :( In a few more weeks it will more about hurricanes and the heat.


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OMG - I used to dread the spring storms in central and north Texas, especially after we got a motorhome. When we accepted delivery of our motorhome near Fort Worth, we could see a black cloud coming in fast. Thankfully, the motorhome was safely in an enclosed bay at the dealer, and they even let us pull our Jeep in. The hail storm was bad! Next day at the dealer they were assessing the damage on the lot, furiously ordering A/C cowlings and other sundry stuff.

Actually, our motorhome survived several hail storms with minimal damage - I guess fiberglass is pretty hail resistant. At most a crack on a piece of plastic or two. But I have seen several metal skin RVs with horrible looking damage.
We did get a lot of rain last week. I am just east of Roanoke and we did not get the worst of it.

I must be near you. Really getting sick of all my softball games getting rained out and our neighborhood walking paths getting flooded. Anyhow, the hail storms bother me even more, been hit multiple times already this year.
We (Houston) are getting pelted with more Big Rain today. This is a rerun of last year, I guess.
We (Houston) are getting pelted with more Big Rain today. This is a rerun of last year, I guess.

Wow! I just looked at the radar and it looks like you are in for it today. I hope there isn't much flooding this time; might be a good day to stay off the roads.

We still don't have any rain predicted for a while here in New Orleans. Sunny, in the upper 80's, humidity just 43%, and 0% chance of rain (yes, my favorite weather! Wish it would last all summer). We'll probably get more rain in a few days.
Must be moving our way. It's been nice the last few days but 90% chance of rain Thursday through Saturday. Oh well.....I have lots of stuff to watch on DVR.
It was a Texan who scrawled in charcoal on a whitewash wall of his West Texas dugout these words years ago...

"20 miles to water
10 miles to wood
6 inches to Hell
Gone back East to wife's family
Make yourself at home"

Some folks are just not made to live in the Lone Star state.
It's Raining in Louisiana now, too!

I read in the news yesterday that it is STILL raining in Texas! Hope our Texans aren't having to deal with much flooding.

Last night it finally hit us here in New Orleans. The thunder was some of the loudest I have ever heard in my entire life, and nearly continuous so it seemed like each thunderclap just didn't quit and went on and on and on.

According to the TV weathermen, it was raining at a rate of 5"-7"/hour here! Wow. And that continued for most of the night. It sounded like we were under a waterfall. We had a flash flood warning, a severe thunderstorm warning, and then another flash flood warning, all of which resulted in three of those insanely loud cell phone alerts during the wee hours of the morning. I was awake anyway because I couldn't sleep through the thunder.

I heard on TV that it was flooding in my suburb, but our block has never flooded and we are OK. The rain finally paused although we have a 50% chance of thunderstorms for the rest of the day. I got three hours' sleep last night, what a night!
Wow! I would not be able to sleep with that either.
We are due for rain in the next few days, although it will be welcome as we have had record heat this past week.
Crazy weather this year, it seems.
Where we live we got 7" since last Wednesday . Task Force One was mobilized Friday night but was not needed . I am hearing the Navasota and Brazos river are going to merge together if we get much more . A pipeline crew lost all of their equipment off of rte.30 near Bryan to the Navasota river overflowing. They told me yesterday we are in an El Ninya cycle for another year .
Here's how im tracking the tx rain: by the time my patio cushions dry, it rains again. Haven't sat outside with a dry butt in approx 10 days
My ex lives in Houston. It's getting battered again and the car dealers are still going to try to sell those flooded cars when they dry out.
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It was a Texan who scrawled in charcoal on a whitewash wall of his West Texas dugout these words years ago...

"20 miles to water
10 miles to wood
6 inches to Hell
Gone back East to wife's family
Make yourself at home"

Some folks are just not made to live in the Lone Star state.

I’ve been here all my life. While I’ve traveled all over Europe, the Caribbean, Central America and of course the US, I really can’t see living anywhere else...
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We have friends and family in Texas and they are getting pounded with rain. The weather is getting progressively worse.

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