It's Summer. Defend Your Burger.

We made "burgers" last night.

Black beans, quinoa, rolled oats, garlic and onion powder, BBQ sauce and a dash of liquid smoke. Couple turns in the Vitamix. Form patties.

Grilled to a crispy outside. Delicious. I had 2 with some grilled veggies.


Prior to going low carb, I would sometimes have black bean burgers. They are darn good!

If I'm cooking meat in a pan or on a flat top. Liquid smoke is almost always involved.
What say you? Got a burger with bragging rights? Then spill the beans! Or serve 'em as a side. :D

I keep it simple. I make 3 burgers out of each pound of ground beef or ground chuck. I put a light coating of lite soy sauce on each side along with garlic powder. And some black pepper on one side only. Then I grill over charcoal until medium-well topped with cheese singles for mine and well-done with no cheese for DW.
I also butter the (cheapest pre-sliced store-brand I can find) buns and lightly toast them on the upper rack of the grill for a couple of minutes before assembly.
DW and her family really like them. (me, too) :D
50/50 burger. Half ground brisket. Half ground bacon. Sinful off the grill.
mix 1/2 pork with 1/2 beef.... it will never be a dry burger....
We are carnivorous but last night as an experiment I grilled Impossible Burger I got from the grocery store. I liked it more than DW but we agreed it’s an impressive technology. I bet it would be very hard to detect as not actually beef in other recipes calling for ground beef.

Easy to detect when buying. Usually $2-3/lb more.

I have no "beef" with Impossible Burger, or any other veg substitute. Free market.

Just no reason to replace something I like with something I like the same, with the same taste, at a higher price. BUT, I will probably try them some time. Maybe I like the taste better?

Side note: DS was vegetarian for a time in HS and College, so we would by the Morning Star sausage sub patties, for him. I actually tried them several times, and preferred them to sausage patties. We still occasionally buy them, but they are pricey.
I've grilled year round in NJ (many nights out in thunderstorms with my housemate holding a really big umbrella over me and the weber), but have been out in California since 1999, and nothing is better than calling folks on the east coast in the middle of january and discussing the fact that I am wearing nothing but shorts and am out in the yard grilling. :)
I like mixing spices, garlic, chili sauce, and beer into the meat, then grilling it. You can also mix in Parmesan cheese.

Don't forget the mayo.
I've grilled year round in NJ (many nights out in thunderstorms with my housemate holding a really big umbrella over me and the weber), but have been out in California since 1999, and nothing is better than calling folks on the east coast in the middle of january and discussing the fact that I am wearing nothing but shorts and am out in the yard grilling. :)


I have siblings along I-94/90 from Minneapolis to Missoula. Always fun to rub a little seasoned salt in their frozen wounds during their long arctic winters. :D
Reading through this thread and learning about the process that some will go through in making a hamburger reminds of an anecdote from Lee Iacocca's autobiography. .... The chef went to the fridge, grabbed a thick marbled rib eye, ran it through a grinder, patted up a meat puck, and tossed it on the grill.

And there's yer burger! :D

Yep, I'm a minimalist with my burgers. Rarely grind my own (but I should), but either way, just gently form the patty, salt it, grill it. With all the condiments, I just don't see the need to fiddle with the meat itself.

Prior to going low carb, I would sometimes have black bean burgers. They are darn good! ...

DW makes black bean patties. They are wonderful. But we don't call them burgers, 'cause they aren't burgers. They are good as they are, w/o trying to pretend they are something they are not. At least that's the way I look at it.

mix 1/2 pork with 1/2 beef.... it will never be a dry burger....

I sometimes mix half Italian sausage with 80/20 chuck and that's the combination DW likes best.

I was thinking ground pork would require longer/higher cooking times, but looking at FDA site, they recc 160F for each. I try to get my burgers to just past pink, which is probably more like 145F? Answering my own question: FDA say "Some lean ground beef may remain pink at temperatures well above the 160 °F final cooking temperature recommended for consumers." I try to get them to ~ 135F, then set them on the side of the grill to bake a few minutes more and get the cheese melted. I don't always check again, but probably close to 160F by then.

Originally Posted by Retch The Grate View Post ... and nothing is better than calling folks on the east coast in the middle of january and discussing the fact that I am wearing nothing but shorts and am out in the yard grilling.

I have siblings along I-94/90 from Minneapolis to Missoula. Always fun to rub a little seasoned salt in their frozen wounds during their long arctic winters. :D

You might want to reconsider if you could read the minds of the people you are talking to. I can just about guarantee you that they are thinking about what a condescending jerk you are being. As if people who live in 4 season climates don't know it is warm in other places in the winter? That they never had a geography lesson? They are idiots? That's what it sounds like to them, they are rolling their eyes at your stupidity while you think you are being oh so 'clever'. Some of us enjoy the winter weather. And it's also not really a choice for many, they may be tied to family (caring for parents who won't move), jobs, etc.

I bet you would not be amused if they called you during a hurricane, earthquake, or wildfire and said "Windy enough for ya?", "Shaky enough for ya?", "Enjoying that smoke?" Hah, hah.


You might want to reconsider if you could read the minds of the people you are talking to. I can just about guarantee you that they are thinking about what a condescending jerk you are being. As if people who live in 4 season climates don't know it is warm in other places in the winter? That they never had a geography lesson? They are idiots? That's what it sounds like to them, they are rolling their eyes at your stupidity while you think you are being oh so 'clever'. Some of us enjoy the winter weather. And it's also not really a choice for many, they may be tied to family (caring for parents who won't move), jobs, etc.

I bet you would not be amused if they called you during a hurricane, earthquake, or wildfire and said "Windy enough for ya?", "Shaky enough for ya?", "Enjoying that smoke?" Hah, hah.


My siblings and I have what is called a sense of humor. And yeah, they poke fun of our heat and humidity. When serious crap like you mentioned occurs, we take care of each other, including sharing our home for months during serious flooding.

Go pound sand.
This thread topic - burgers - is really interesting. Hopefully it’ll stay on topic, as there’s so much more to post, share and learn. :)
I think we are running out of "burger talk". :D

I just by the 10 pack of frozen ones at Walmart and call it a day. They are pretty good, especially with cheese on them.
Bubba burgers are fast, easy and good. You just pop the frozen solid puck on the barbie and cook from frozen. Pop it on an English muffin for the bun and enjoy. But don't forget the onion!

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