Hi Mike,
I think I saw you write that you hold Japanese stock.
What's your take on corporate governance in Japan? Do you think it is getting better? With more transparency?
From what I have seen. Companies are run for insiders, mainly upper management and then average workers. Then come customers, banks and suppliers. Stockholders are somewhere behind the yakuza.
Governance may be generally getting a bit better...but slowly. You hear executives at least mention shareholder interests these days, and most big companies seem to take investor relations somewhat seriously these days, for whatever that is worth.
But I have to confess to being more-or-less infected with efficient market theory, so I assume that the problems are generally discounted by the market over the long term.
Do you think Japan actually has some wind behind it or is this temporary? Are you still buying Japanese stock?
I buy as needed to keep my asset allocation in line. I am basically in the Bernstein/Bogle camp, but for tax and asset location reasons have essentially created my own passively-managed index fund out of individual Japanese stocks. So I don't particularly make assumptions about whether the recovery has wings or not when it comes to my investing -- though I do happen to think that Japan really is turning the corner this time. I don't think that means it will go all boom-boom again like 20-30 years ago, rather that it will settle into being a mature, industrialized economy, nothing spectacular, but healthier than it has been the past 15 years. In other words, I expect it to fall in line with places like Western Europe, North America, etc.
My feeling is Japan will go as US consumption does. Although domestic consumption seems to be picking up a bit.
Sure, short term, Japan and everyone else will keep following the US's appetite. Long term, that doesn't seem sustainable, so I think the directions of trade will of necessity become more diffuse around the globe (unless somebody else takes over the role of being the world's mouth, but I hope against such an inherently unstable outcome.)
Do you think the market is getting less speculative?
No, I think the market is getting
more speculative at the moment, certainly as compared to 2-3 years ago. Trading volumes on the Tokyo Stock Exchange have lately been exceeding those at the peak of the 80's bubble; internet trading has been credited/blamed for this growth. And the trading on the JASDAQ (home of OTC, mostly small-cap stocks, for those who don't know) is currently something like 70% due to individual day traders. I am avoiding JASDAQ stocks entirely for now. A healthy correction might be needed to shake out a lot of the silliness... which I would then rebalance right into.