Jimmy Fallon: best late night host since Johnny Carson


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Jan 21, 2008
At least so far IMO (and DW). I was at a Mardi Gras party on Sun and the other old fuddy daddies (my age) all hated Fallon, they're waiting for another Johnnny Carson!

Letterman was funny, but he's been mailing it in for years now.

Get with it fuddy duddies, you don't have to be old and set in your ways!

Flame away...
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I actually like Fallon but I must admit that even though I am only 56 I get a sort of subliminal feeling that a certain amount of his schtick is going just past me and I'd find it funnier if I were 20 yrs younger.

If the Fuddy Daddies want to see Carson they need to watch that movie Somewhere in Time then go though their loose change
Johnny was good, but by the time I was old enough to watch with any regularity he took more days off than he worked. I found it interesting that Jay Leno performed more shows than Carson did despite being on Tonight Show 9 years less than Carson. Have to give Leno his due, he was a worker!

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Johnny was good, but by the time I was old enough to watch with any regularity he took more days off than he worked. I found it interesting that Jay Leno performed more shows than Carson did despite being on Tonight Show 9 years less than Carson. Have to give Leno his due, he was a worker!

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Johnny liked those four working days in a week and took more vacations than Jay. Jay had a streak going of not taking any days off from the start until he had to check himself in the hospital from exhaustion.

With Jay gone, I've been watching Fallon. I think already his monologue has improved. I like the banter he has (like recently about him wanting a truck).

Plus, the war water fight with Lindsay Lohan was funny (he got creamed 4 or 5 to 1).
My 83-year-old dad was telling me the other night how much he hates Fallon. I told him it was probably generational. I think it is too early to tell about Fallon. He is not only a different generation from Leno (and Carson) but his comedic background is different from both hosts. As with Leno, if Fallon has good guests, I will watch him. It took me many years to warm to Leno, as I did not watch him regularly until the mid-2000s. I rarely stayed up later than 11:45 in the 1990s anyway (working FT and getting up at 7 AM).
Two problems: I'm in bed by 8, and I don't watch TV.

The little bit I've seen of him in the past though, is that he's comfortable in his own skin, and kinda open to whatever happens.

Does that make sense?
I've never really been all that excited about any of the talk show hosts. To each their own and all, but I personally don't understand all the admiration over Carson.

For most of these guys, I think they might have a good 10 minutes out of each show and the rest is filler. I find their banter with some star/starlet pretty lame - they pump their new movie/book/play, tell some 'funny story' that seems all rehearsed (let me tell you about when I took my car in for an oil change...), and bla, bla, bla.

But with all the talk over this change, I did watch more of Leno than usual recently. And then Fallon.

I have to say that I do think Fallon is far better. Seems much more creative and 'with it', while Leno seemed to just be reading cue cards. But some of Fallons' routines go over my head - I just figure my kids would get it. That's OK, he can't be everything to everyone. But for some reason, his "Thank You's" always (mostly) crack me up.

I like Jimmy Kimmel. And Ellen. I used to watch Letterman years ago. I am 55.

Some of the clips I've seen of Fallon were very funny. I watched the very first episode. It felt like an extension of Saturday Night Live.
Craig Ferguson is best right now IMHO. Fallon comes in second.
Prefer Jimmy Kimmel and Jay vs Fallon.
Two problems: I'm in bed by 8, and I don't watch TV.
We fall asleep between 9-10pm, but DVR Fallon and watch him while having dinner around 6pm the next day. FF thru commercials and boring guests, ain't technology grand. :D

And we agree Craig Ferguson can be hilarious, but we rarely see him.
I've always been a fan of Leno and thought Fallon would not quite fill Leno's shoes. So far, I think Fallon has been exceptional. He's my favorite of current talk show hosts. I will miss "headlines" and "Jay walking" and think they are MUCH better than "thankyou notes" but Fallons monologue is the best on tv IMHO. I'm too young to remember Carson so can't make that comparison. I also like Kimmel and think everyone else is a notch(or 2) down from them.

*I haven't watched Arsenio since he returned. Ellen is easily top 3 talk show hosts on tv but she's not "late night" so I didn't include her. Chelsy Handler is funny and i'd like to see her as the first women of late night(on a major network). She could replace whoever replaces Letterman...Kimmel or Ferguson i'm guessing.
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Two problems: I'm in bed by 8, and I don't watch TV.

If you subscribe to Jimmy's YouTube channel you can watch most of the elements, though not necessarily in sequence.
+1 on Kimmel & Ferguson.
Always felt 'meh' about Fallon, even when he was on SNL.
If you subscribe to Jimmy's YouTube channel you can watch most of the elements, though not necessarily in sequence.

Or, you could watch on Hulu which is what I do. This year they started making you wait a few days to watch the most recent show unless you have Hulu Plus. I just wait and watch it a few days after it airs for free. All the episodes are numbered and dated so you know you're watching them in order.
We have DVR'd Letterman for years and watched the monologue, top 10, and any interesting guests as we prepare to nod off. Must admit I'm pretty much done with him, moved on to Fallon. I genuinely seem to LIKE Fallon as a person, and Letterman is just a bit too snarky. One thing that really drives us nuts is when Letterman will just do something over and over and over. Like that clip of the guy hammering the pan, or the endless repetitive clips of Abotobad (sp?). It's. Not. Funny. I think he and his writers are just collecting the checks, doing same stuff over and over.
... As with Leno, if Fallon has good guests, I will watch him. It took me many years to warm to Leno, as I did not watch him regularly until the mid-2000s. I rarely stayed up later than 11:45 in the 1990s anyway (working FT and getting up at 7 AM).
Ditto. I usually watch these talk shows primarily for the guests, not the host.

I have DirecTV, so I can watch the east coast feeds three hours earlier, at 8:35, and not worry about staying up late or DVRing the show.

It took me years to warm up to Leno. I swear that for years before and during his early stint on "The Tonight Show" (1992) he always wore those outdated suit jackets with the rolled-up sleeves. That used to irritate me to no end, it was so old-fashioned, having gone out of style circa 1988. But now it's difficult to find any such photos on Google or Bing. It's like they have all been scrubbed! Was I hallucinating?

So far, as the new "Tonight Show" host, Fallon's okay. He is a bit more of the early Steve Allen-Johnny Carson "Tonight Show" mold--with the skits, bits and sketches. Leno rarely did sketches. (I remember watching those early 90-minute New York Carson shows, starting in 1967, as a young kid who often found it hard to fall asleep.) Fallon was very weak and stiff during his early days as the "Late Night" host, but gradually got more at ease and learned to improvise more. I'm guessing he'll get much more comfortable as the "Tonight Show" host. (But he's gotta stop calling virtually every guest his "fave." And learn to be a better listener and interviewer. On his former show and currently, he often dominates the conversation and informs the audience himself what the guest is promoting rather than letting the guest do the explanation.)

Seth Meyers on the other hand is a complete mess. Yuck! After the few couple of episodes, I have been watching only the opening ten minutes or so of a handful or other episodes just to witness the sheer awfulness of it all. Everything about that show is unappealing, from the small dorm-room desk with the visible feet, dull set design, blah band, weak jokes and bits, and the pitiful delivery of the material by Meyers. "Hello, how's everyone? Now, to the news." That's his basic intro every night. He has no timing. He wears this smirky grin throughout the opening. And despite how weak a joke is, the audience applauds every single joke. Every one! (And I think I hear the same woman laughing loudly during every monologue that I have watched; they must have some paid professional laughers in that crowd.) I do not see this show lasting much longer in its present format.

Letterman used to be great, but he has been phoning much of it in the past few years. I used to like his earlier days when he too used to have more bits and skits. He does have a killer band, perhaps the best in late night, with Paul Shaffer.

Of Letterman, Ferguson, Conan, Meyers, Fallon and Kimmel, I am getting many more yuks from Kimmel these days. But, as I said at the beginning, I watch these shows more for the guest, not for the host. If none of the guests interest me, I generally won't tune in. (I am usually doing something else while these shows are on anyway--multi-tasking--not just sitting on a couch.)
I like Jimmy Kimmel. And Ellen. I used to watch Letterman years ago. I am 55.

Some of the clips I've seen of Fallon were very funny. I watched the very first episode. It felt like an extension of Saturday Night Live.

The producer of SNL, the new "Tonight Show" with Fallon, and of the Seth Meyers "Late Show" is Lorne Michaels. :facepalm:
At least so far IMO (and DW). I was at a Mardi Gras party on Sun and the other old fuddy daddies (my age) all hated Fallon, they're waiting for another Johnnny Carson!

Letterman was funny, but he's been mailing it in for years now.

Get with it fuddy duddies, you don't have to be old and set in your ways!

Flame away...

I agree. Fallon is pretty funny and is a breath of fresh air. I liked Jay, but this entirely new package of entertainment Tonight Show format is a gas. I'm 50+ and I like it.
Used to watch Letterman all the time.

But these days, usually watch Sportscenter or NFL Network before going to bed.

I guess late night talk show audiences have been declining steadily over the years, though the talk shows are very profitable, even with so much more competition than there used to be.

If I were to record daily talk shows, I'd probably record The Daily Show and Colbert Report than the late night talk shows, which is celebrity-oriented.

Used to love the little bits in studio as well as the man on the street and remotes (like Letterman dropping objects like watermelons from a building down to the street below) more than the celebrity interviews.

Occasionally see the little song parodies that Fallon does on Youtube but otherwise have no real desire to watch these shows regularly.
I do miss the long monologue of Jay as you could get caught up with current events (of course with the sarcastic bent).

I like the format of how Fallon does the monologue, the goes right to the desk and chat a bit before commercial. Also, at least so far, he's only interviewed guests one on one and not have the earlier guest sit on the couch and listening.

I do like the way Jay (and Dave) would sometimes talk with guests about serious topics like the other night when Dave had Tom Brokaw on and talked about Putin and the Ukraine (while Jimmy and Lindsay Lohan had war water fight). I enjoyed both.

I think no one could ham it up like Johnny. Jimmy does remind me of Johnny in this way though.
One of my favorite Carson shows was the time he busted Uri Gellar showing that he couldn't really bend spoons but that the spoons were rigged. Reality TV before reality TV :D
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