Joe Lieberman Loses In Connecticut

Alex said:
Both parties are evil, but at least with divided government they spend most of their energy fighting each other. That's the best I can hope for in the short term.

Actually, I would argue that the split forced both sides to learn to work together and up with more moderate solutions to our problems. That's a nice contrast to the current "sod you" attitude of the party in power.
I don't really think Dems force the abortion issue. The law is what it is and if it were just left alone there would be no issue. Its the Anti-choice folks who are always pushing the issue and the Dems are the ones who are left to defend the law.

I've visited lots of countries where abortion is legal and although I'm sure not everyone agrees, it is not disputed. Those people are mature enough to realize that abortions always have and always will exist, its just a matter of letting the woman get it done safely.

We should all support preventative measures, but sadly there are people out there now who are fighting against "Plan B" a morning after pill that prevents pregnancy. To me that just shows they don't just want to end abortion, they want to control women's lives.

Back on Topic... I do feel sorry for Lieberman in a way, but he was supposed to be representing the people of Connecticut and they don't want war.
shiny said:
Back on Topic...  I do feel sorry for Lieberman in a way, but he was supposed to be representing the people of Connecticut and they don't want war.

Thanks for bringing it back on topic. :)

I think that JL wins in November as an independent.
Has anyone read Lieberman's 'concession' speech?

He wants to be "a uniter" (gee, just think how that echo of Bush is gonna go over.. great tin ear, Joe..). So that's why he's splitting off from his own party (for the "good of my party" --his words)!!!  :eek:
Begs the question of how it can be "his" party if he's bailing on it. He may be right, but not in the way he thinks he is.

He wants to get away from "partisan politics" (bashing the nominee from within his own party?!)

I think the guy has just lost his moorings.
He came out in 2003 with some criticisms of the handling of the war, and should have at least stuck with that line.
He might be his own worst enemy at this point.

Got in a dig at Lamont for his supposed "hacked" website, when it turns out his campaign had gone to some fly-by-night hoster for $15/mo. (or was that intentional?  >:D). Now he's got Rove telling him "whatever we can do, we will do.." Now THAT's Joementum!

As far as Democrats/Republicans are concerned, this is a very interesting set of questions for us to be asking ourselves:
The idea that Lieberman is some sort of "centrist Democrat" and that the effort to defeat him is driven by radical leftists who hate bipartisanship is nothing short of inane. Why would Sean Hannity and Bill Kristol be so eager to keep a "centrist Democrat" in the Senate? Lincoln Chafee is a "centrist Republican." Are there any Democrats or liberals who care if Lincoln Chafee wins his primary? Do leftist ideologues run around praising and defending and working for the re-election of Olympia Snowe or Chris Shays or other Republican "centrists"? Do Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity love other Democratic "centrists," such as, say, Mary Landrieu or Joe Biden? The answer to all of those questions is plainly "no".

The love which right-wing extremists have for Joe Lieberman isn't based on the fact that he's a "centrist." If Lieberman were a "centrist," extremists would not care about him. They would not be vigorously urging his re-election, or praising his potential appointment as Bush Defense Secretary, or touting him as a Vice-Presidential running mate for George Allen. They do that because he is one of them...

the above is not by Greenwald, but a guest.. anyway, his site is excellent for its lucidity.
FIRE ME! said:
How much funding goes to Planned Parenthood?

Sorry, off topic I know.

Planned Parenthood cannot use federal money to pay for abortions.

I suppose that there might be a state that allows state money to pay for abortions.

Not trying to start an abortion discussion.  I was just picking up on the issue of tax collections often going to support things we morally oppose. 
ladelfina said:
Has anyone read Lieberman's 'concession' speech?

He wants to be "a uniter" (gee, just think how that echo of Bush is gonna go over.. great tin ear, Joe..). So that's why he's splitting off from his own party (for the "good of my party" --his words)!!!  :eek:
Begs the question of how it can be "his" party if he's bailing on it. He may be right, but not in the way he thinks he is.

He wants to get away from "partisan politics" (bashing the nominee from within his own party?!)

I think the guy has just lost his moorings.
He came out in 2003 with some criticisms of the handling of the war, and should have at least stuck with that line.
He might be his own worst enemy at this point.

My best guess is that Lieberman drops out of the race by Labor Day, or shortly thereafter. He will find it very tough sledding indeed as the Democratic party closes ranks with him on the outside, buck naked with his balls blowing in the breeze. No money, no support, no endorsements. But I bet he will be given the kindly talking to first in an effort to get him to see that a run as an independent is pointlessly divisive.

No doubt we will hear lots of blather from Fox "News" and all the right wing basher brigade, and maybe they will throw him some moeny to encourage him, but I doubt it will be enough.
FIRE ME! said:
I would be the prefect candidate, of course. But since I'm not running, you'll just have to settle for whoever shows up on your ballot. ;)

As far as having me pegged and thinking I don't understand our political system...I'll let you think as wrongly as you like. :)

I will say this though. The issues we face as a nation are far more complex than the soundbites from the Left or the Right and require serious thought and consensus building. Politicians don't stay in power by seriously thinking about the issues and building consensus. They stay in power by keeping people ignorant, spoon feeding them what they want them to think, and creating class warfare. Power, of course, breeds corruption, which is why it should be decentralized as much as possible.

You sound like someone that doesn't vote to me. If you can't name anyone in the public in America today that you would support for President, then they have succeeded by keeping people ignorant. Wanting to have your 'own' way does not work in a representative government.

You want a 'Third' party. Do you know why we only have 2 Main ones?

So far your statements are illogical, incorrect and mostly incoherent. I'll bet you get your news and information from the Rush Limbaugh show or at the local bar. :crazy:
Cut-Throat said:
So far your statements are illogical, incorrect and mostly incoherent. I'll bet you get your news and information from the Rush Limbaugh show or at the local bar. :crazy:

Easy CT, we have a long time to elections.

I don't peg FIRE ME as a Limbaugh type. Not enough info in my mind to see exactly where he is coming from. I have heard enough of Limbaugh to know that he is highly disapproving of those who purport to be at all in the middle of the road.
Martha said:
Easy CT, we have a long time to elections.

I don't peg FIRE ME as a Limbaugh type. Not enough info in my mind to see exactly where he is coming from. I have heard enough of Limbaugh to know that he is highly disapproving of those who purport to be at all in the middle of the road.

Well, I did not start this tirade and certainly did not want to sit by the sidelines, as by giving silent approval, but this sounds like a Rush Limkbaugh quote if I ever heard one.

I'd say it was the Democratic party that left him. It is run by left wing extremists who only care about maintaining power and shoving abortion, homosexuality, and socialism down everyone's throats.
Cut-Throat said:
You sound like someone that doesn't vote to me. If you can't name anyone in the public in America today that you would support for President, then they have succeeded by keeping people ignorant. Wanting to have your 'own' way does not work in a representative government.

You want a 'Third' party. Do you know why we only have 2 Main ones?

So far your statements are illogical, incorrect and mostly incoherent. I'll bet you get your news and information from the Rush Limbaugh show or at the local bar. :crazy:

I'm reading some of your other posts you didn't seem humor impaired.  Didn't you notice the "winking smile" after my comment about me being the perfect candidate?

Did you ignore my comments about consensus building?  I have very strong and reasoned views on many of the issues we face today. (And I vote and encourage participation in our system.  In fact, some of my work forces me to be quite aware of the who/where/what/when of politics.)  I also have the humility to realize I don't know everything on every subject and forcing my views (both the correct and innocently incorrect) upon everyone (or anyone) else doesn't solve anything.  Love doesn't force its own way.

Our country was founded as a constitutional republic to protect those in the minority.  Sadly we are moving more towards a democracy (if not already there) where 51 will shove it down the throat of 49.  Yeah, that sounds great when we're on the 51 side, but one day we'll find ourselves on the 49 side and won't like it too much.

I'm sorry you find me illogical, incorrect, and mostly incoherent.  I'm doing the best I can.
Cut-Throat said:
Well, I did not start this tirade and certainly did not want to sit by the sidelines, as by giving silent approval, but this sounds like a Rush Limkbaugh quote if I ever heard one.

I'd say it was the Democratic party that left him. It is run by left wing extremists who only care about maintaining power and shoving abortion, homosexuality, and socialism down everyone's throats.

Here, I'll make you feel better. The Republican party is controled by religious moralists and big business who want to legislate their vision of "christianity" and "godly capitalism"

There are many in both parties who are well meaning and sincere in there objectives and efforts. Control and power, though is exercised by a minority, who are not necessarily as sincere and honest. It is power they enjoy and power that they are after. Unfortunately, pragmatism forces those who are more sincere to step in line at times.
Fire Me! Your follow up posts have shown that you can think things through. I have to agree with CT - that first post of yours on this thread was obnoxious. Stick around, you can make your points without insulting (over) half of the other posters here!
shiny said:
Fire Me!  Your follow up posts have shown that you can think things through.  I have to agree with CT  - that first post of yours on this thread was obnoxious.  Stick around, you can make your points without insulting (over) half of the other posters here!

Forgive me for doing so. I could explain my reasons for doing so but it is likely going to be non-productive. This is the best I can do.

There are many in both parties who are well meaning and sincere in there objectives and efforts. Control and power, though is exercised by a minority, who are not necessarily as sincere and honest. It is power they enjoy and power that they are after. Unfortunately, pragmatism forces those who are more sincere to step in line at times.
Cut-Throat said:
So far your statements are illogical, incorrect and mostly incoherent. I'll bet you get your news and information from the Rush Limbaugh show or at the local bar. :crazy:

That's right Cut -Throat, you're biting your party's line hook, line, and sinker! If you don't like his politics just insult him personally, that style seems to suit you. Remember folks, only bleeding heart liberals can think for themselves, Republicans are just too stupid to think for themselves! We need Rush Limbaugh to do our thinking for us right?

I'm suprised you didn't bother to call him a racist too?
Oh man, it is four months to election time. FIRE ME insults democrats and gays but trys to call for consensus. Cut Throat insults FIRE ME. Saluki jumps in and throws some insults around too.

I want to be Miss Manners but I think the will is against me.
saluki9 said:
. Remember folks, only bleeding heart liberals can think for themselves, Republicans are just too stupid to think for themselves! We need Rush Limbaugh to do our thinking for us right?

I can't believe I finally agree with you about something! :eek:

What? That liberals are arrogant?

Yes, we do agree 100% :)
saluki9 said:
That's right Cut -Throat, you're biting your party's line hook, line, and sinker! If you don't like his politics just insult him personally, that style seems to suit you. Remember folks, only bleeding heart liberals can think for themselves, Republicans are just too stupid to think for themselves! We need Rush Limbaugh to do our thinking for us right?

I'm suprised you didn't bother to call him a racist too?

Here is why his statement that
'I'd say it was the Democratic party that left him. It is run by left wing extremists who only care about maintaining power and shoving abortion, homosexuality, and socialism down everyone's throats.' - Are Again - Inaccurate and illogical!

Latest Poll shows 60% of Americans Oppose Iraq War. Hardly an 'extreme view' - You probably are too young to remember VietNam, but they also called Eugene McCarthy an extremist. You and Bush Jr. are repeating the same mistakes now because you have not learned from history. Remember Lieberman was voted down because he supports the war. He also supports Abortion rights and Civil Rights for gays.
Cut-Throat said:
Latest Poll shows 60% of Americans Oppose Iraq War.
Yeah, but none of the pollsters have bothered to ask for my opinon.
I believe we will resolve our political differences when we discover why they don't show out takes after porno movies.

For the record, though, I despise what Bush and the Republican majority in both houses have done to this country, our fiscal well being, and our reputation abroad.
Leiberman did this to himself, he stopped listening to the folks who put him in office.

Sorry, just thought this lurker needed to chime in. Back in the box, Elderdude.
Elderdude said:
I believe we will resolve our political differences when we discover why they don't show out takes after porno movies.
I don't think there are any outtakes in porno movies-- I think everything gets used, no matter what!

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