jtmitch aboard


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jun 27, 2002
I'm jtmitch, a veteran of the MF REHP forum and a fan of both intercst's and dory's web sites and calculators. I'm probably already too old to be considered a true RE aspirant.

I retired from the Navy about 6 years ago after 28 years. I have worked several different jobs since then, all of them "real jobs" (by which I mean you wear socks and a tie, have responsibility and stress and are paid decently). Because of my Navy pension, a working wife and adherence to sound personal financial management priciples, I've found that if I get sick of a job I can just quit. I've done that several times so far and have taken from 1 - 4 months off before going back to work. I'm on such a "sabbatical" right now. Fortunately, having some expertise and contacts in a niche area (based on my military career), I've had little problem finding new jobs although I know I can't keep doing this forever (nor do I want to).

I'm hoping to go back to work on a part-time basis by the end of July (that would be two months off this time), but if nothing materializes on a part-time basis, I'll probably bite the bullet and take a full-time job for one last accumulation period before retiring for good.

Looking forward to the discussions on this board.

Welcome aboard, jtmitch.

I am wondering about jacking in the fulltime job and doing part-time (3-6months/year) work. In your mind, what are the differences between full and part-time work? Stress levels? etc...


This was a dilemma I faced myself recently. I thought about doing the part time work to get by and just work longer but I deceided for me I probably won't like any job so I need to get out of them all together.

I do have a couple friends though who wait tables just enough to pay the bills and not really worry about much and they enjoy this lifestyle.

I think this decision is probably different for everyone. I decided for me though its the "having" to work that I don't like part or full time. I may decide to work once I no longer need to but at least then it will be a choice and not a necessity.

So that said I am significantly downsixing my life in August and saving like a machine.

This should all be qualified with, make sure you don't miss the present though. Saving and having no life now is not worth it either as sometimes tomorrow doesn't come. The key for me was to finally figure out what made me happy and focus my "fun" money on that an not other stuff that is a distraction and not really me.

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