Just returned from Thailand


Dryer sheet aficionado
Feb 2, 2005
San Pedro, Belize
Just returned from 14 days traveling alone in Thailand...Long flight...

Great place, great time.  I felt safe at all times but did pay attention.  It was a very economical and interesting trip.  Others on this site gave me some assurance prior to the trip of safety and success.

I'd love to hear more of your impressions etc.. Would you consider it for long-term stays or semi-permanent (or even permanent) retirement?

Actually there are people on this board who know much more about Thailand than I, being there only 14 days. I found it a very interesting country and safer than expected. It is not difficult to get around. The people are considerate and family oriented. It is cheaper to live there than here by how much, others could say more. We have more conveniences here in the US and how important those are to you would help to determine ones decision.

The decision to live there can only be answered by that person alone. Visit the country after reading on it. To some, possibly myself included, it would be a consideration. If there was a spouse involved, that might make the decision twice as difficult.

We have more conveniences here in the US and how important those are to you would help to determine ones decision.

I am curious, what conveniences are you referring too?

Akaisha and I just finished 9 months there, and definitely found no hardships. IMO, the quality of life is very good there.

People from the board visiting here in Thailand should not be afraid to send me a message if they want to meet up for a beer. I am sure Lancelot is offering the same as well as others living here in the Kingdom. Cheers!
Thai wife and I are only 3 years from retirement and moving to Thailand. Have daughter working (nurse) in Thailand so that gives us even more reason.

We love our work but would love not doing it, we love living (specially wife) here in Southren California but looking forward to Thailand too.

Come on May 2009...by 56th birthday...

See you all there for a beer or ice tea...
sendbaht said:
Thai wife and I are only 3 years from retirement and moving to Thailand. Have daughter working (nurse) in Thailand so that gives us even more reason.

We love our work but would love not doing it, we love living (specially wife) here in Southren California but looking forward to Thailand too.

Come on May 2009...by 56th birthday...

See you all there for a beer or ice tea...

Looking forward to that beer Khun Baht :D
Hi Lance!

I gotta learn how to insert photos here! That's a great shot of the Chang Beer bottle cap! Sigh...those were the days! ha!

I hear it's been raining again in Thailand.. true? Phuket was awesome -- waves perrrrfect for body surfing. And we had decent weather too.

Now we're back in the States.  :D

Take care,
Author, The Adventurer's Guide to Early Retirement
Ok Khun Lance, you are on. Might be fun to try one of those new Thai wines.... but then again maybe not...:)
Billy said:
Hi Lance!

I hear it's been raining again in Thailand.. true? Phuket was awesome -- waves perrrrfect for body surfing. And we had decent weather too.

Take care,
Author, The Adventurer's Guide to Early Retirement

Hi Akaisha!

Yes, raining quite a bit in Bangkok, especially for May and June :D

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