Keep On Keepin' On


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give
Jun 30, 2002
Texas: No Country for Old Men
Gotta love it. :D

From US 7 Reasons NOT to Retire

1. It literally pays to work, and money can buy peace of mind

2. The economy may face a shortage of qualified workers

3. Working can boost your health, keeping you active and sharp

4. Your marriage may profit from a little less togetherness

5. Without those pesky E-mails, you'd feel a loss of connection

6. You can use this time of your life for a whole new beginning

7. Work may add meaning to your later life

They left this one out:

8. Those of us already retired need you to continue contributing to SS! ;)
#9.  "You will probably live, forever!   :D
10. All those times when you're sick and tired of doing what you want to do, when you want to do it, and even the government won't stop you. If you were at work, you wouldn't even have had the opportunity to do them!
11. Work will provide a safe environment where you will have friends who share your dedication to creating more wealth for the CEO to doing a great job for which you will be rewarded screwed. Without work you will be lonesome, broke and the CEO won't get his 1000% bonus bored. So, keep working. Mega corp. needs more pawns to keep the corporate wars going.
1. Yep, money can buy peace of mind. Living off the interest of a nest egg, not beholden to anyone, is the best peace of mind I can think of.

2. The economy "may" face a shortage? It may not. A lot will depend on factors outside the United States, IMO.

3. Anything challenging can boost your mental health, from crosswords or acrostics to writing a novel to studying a new language or subject. It doesn't have to be work. Besides, a lot of workers report boredom, no matter what their status in the hierarchy. I seem to recall reading an article that even people like Deputy Secretaries of cabinet posts get bored.

4. So encourage each other to pursue your own interests and consider taking separate vacations.

5. Sorry, I get emails at home, too, and I participate in discussion forums like this one. I have plenty much connectedness, even without the work-related emails.

6. A whole new beginning, eh? Consisting of still working? Oh, wait, they think a new career or a job change is a "new beginning." Obviously our definitions differ.

7. So can volunteering, teaching, mentoring, and structured leisure.

Sorry, I don't buy any of these reasons. (Of course, the huge amount of conditionals "can" and "may" was the first tip-off.)
Loved your post, peggy. As for boredom--I've mainly been bored at work, rarely in real life, retired or otherwise. In real life, if I get twitchy, I leave/stop reading/change my scenery/think about something else. Can't do that (much) at work! You eventually have to get back to the boring stuff. :p
So what is up with all of the "working at a job is fun" stories. Maybe the RE board should cash in this trend and start offering a home lobotomy kit. :-\
Maddy the Turbo Beagle said:
So what is up with all of the "working at a j*b is fun" stories. Maybe the RE board should cash in this trend and start offering a home lobotomy kit. :-\

We could even offer a discount if you buy the 2-in-1 home lobotomy and vasectomy kit ;)
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