Kitces article on roth conversions & cap gains harvesting


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 16, 2006
That's exactly what I am grappling with now, with very limited success. And adding Soc Sec optimization (what some authors call the "tax torpedo") and potentially ACA subsidies on top of all the typical portfolio management issues, makes it beyond my ability so far. Still trying to get my head around it all...

I've seen several articles that describe the problem, but none that offer means to a solution...

None of the online calculators I've seen even begin to deal with the whole picture.
I am hoping that the likes of ESPlanner and ORP come up with planners for these added complications - PPACA subsidies & the multiple tax implications of income. So far I haven't seen any calculators either.
Actually, that reminds me. DS has some stock that could be gains harvested at 0% tax and a step up in basis. I'll have to talk to him about it over the weekend.
Another reminder for me to convert a lot more to ROTH. (The other reminder was the 2013 TurboTax download today).

We are pretty sure that we will relocate back to the UK in 3 years (actually splitting our time 50/50). Tax planning there shows that we should be inside the 20% tax bracket. The next bracket up is 40% and I will be well into that bracket at age 70.5 if I start RMD's with my current IRA balance. So for the next 3 years I am going to do ROTH conversions filling up the 28% bracket.
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