Lena Has Bad Bike Crash

I wish her a speedy recovery & wish you all the best too.

It doesn't take much to trip on the stairs or the curb or lose control of a bicycle (especially road bikes with their aggressive geometries).

If riding is something you both enjoy, I hope you'll get back in the saddle. But if not - so what! there are plenty of other pursuits to keep you happy & fit.
Sorry to read this, Al. I do hope your wife feels better when you read these lines. Take care.
Very sorry to hear this, Al. I completely understand why Lena is ready to give up biking altogether at this point, and also that her feelings may change over time. In the meantime, please tell her that healing thoughts and prayers are on their way to her from lots of good folks that she's never even met!

I wish you (well Lena actually) the best for a full and rapid recovery.

FYI, my DW was involved in a similar bike accident about 20 years ago. Her symptoms were very similar to Lena's. She was unconscious for a short time. After she did regain consciousness she kept on asking the same questions every couple of minutes and she still has no memory of the time from the accident to about an hour after the accident. There was a lot of blood but I recall being most alarmed because of the questions and wondering if there could be a possibility of permanent brain injury. The good news is that she made a full recovery.

Sorry to hear about the crash, hope for a full recovery. Blessings to both of you.
Oh my! That was a serious crash.

I can understand why she doesn't think she wants to ride again but maybe after she heals and can be confident of her balance she will be willing to try again.

The fall could have been the result of mechanical failure, road conditions or something physical. Give this a couple months, at least, check out her bike and the slope where the accident occurred.
All the best to her (and you) from a fellow cyclist and admirer of your adventures.

Although you don't know what caused her accident, I am an advocate for disc brakes with everyone I talk to. The extra stopping power can, and has, meant the difference between embarrassment and injury for me. Thankfully she was wearing her helmet and had you to take care of her. Kudos on your quick thinking, level head and quick response. You did well by your wife that day.

Again all our are thoughts & prayers are with Lena. Although we don't know details of crash cause, her helmet prob prevented more serious head injury. This incident should remind all cyclists to wear a proper & well-fitting helmet. I've busted a few helmets over the years & always was grateful it was the helmet that cracked rather than my head.
And I always keep my bikes in good repair. Whether road or MTB, IMHO key with bike braking is proper adjusment/maintenance, inc good wheels & good tires. I can lock my caliper brakes in a skid, so IMHO disc vs caliper is a preference issue (except off-road in wet/sloppy conditions).
Dang Al, you must have felt sick seeing her down. Best wishes to you both, maybe Lena can spend some time crocheting some safety gear - thinking Pokemon cover to protect the helmet that protects the head. You two be good to each other.
Thanks for all the good wishes. It's nice to see all the old familiar [-]faces[/-] avatars and [-]hear your voices [/-]see your screen names.

This track from my bicycle's GPS shows the sharp curve on which the accident happened (coming downhill from the top of the photo).


she was on the ground just above where the map scale legend is. I'm sure she just didn't realize how sharp the curve was.

She is recovering freakishly fast. As long as she isn't in the process of sitting down or standing up, you wouldn't know that she has broken ribs.

I asked a nurse friend if she thought we'd go above the $5,900 deductible. She laughed and said "You are probably already over $200,000."

Yes, the cyst is an "incidentaloma." The doctor at Mercy recommended surgery (which sounds like a big deal and involves removal of the spleen), but it may be that we can opt to wait and observe it instead.

I also found that the doctor (Brusett) was involved in a big scandal that was famous here a few years ago:

Dr. Brusett's license revoked » Redding Record Searchlight

We will definitely be getting second opinions. Since we'll be above the deductible and coinsurance maximum, even the top specialists will be "free of charge."
That is a truly scary experience. Best wishes to both you and Lena.
I also found that the doctor (Brusett) was involved in a big scandal that was famous here a few years ago:

Dr. Brusett's license revoked » Redding Record Searchlight

We will definitely be getting second opinions. Since we'll be above the deductible and coinsurance maximum, even the top specialists will be "free of charge."

Wow...that's quite an article!

FWIW, I actually do understand her reluctance to take up bike riding again. A few years ago I fell on stairs and broke my ankle. To this day, I avoid stairs (and I remember how I fell). If I had a severe bike accident and couldn't remember what happened I feel sure I would be extremely reluctant to ever ride again.
Sorry to hear this T-Al. Hope Lena is doing well. My DW and I also ride bicycles so I understand the enjoyment of riding. I hope that she will be able to get back on the bike because everyone knows how much enjoyment this brings to both of you. Best wishes to you both. :greetings10:
Well, you are half way between San Francisco and Portland both with great health care providers. Find someone you trust when you are ready to proceed.
So sorry to hear this. Please keep us posted...hoping for a quick recovery.

This had to be truly scary.
My wife and I enjoy bicycling like you and Lena. I am very sorry to hear about this accident and wish Lena the quickest of recoveries. I am so pleased she was wearing her helmet while on a trail. Many cyclists take a helmet break when out of traffic.
Sorry to learn of this happening to you both and I'm glad to hear that a full recovery is expected.
I am so sorry this happened Al, but also very glad that she is recovering so well :)
She is very lucky to have you as her husband!
I felt sick just reading about this. I am so sorry that it happened. I also hope that she has a complete recovery.

I can understand her feelings about not wanting to ride a bike again, but she could change her mind. We are getting ready to go on vacation and I was planning on renting bikes, but I am now hesitant. We have not been on bikes for quite a while.

I am glad that you had the bike computer. I can see how helpless one would feel, not being able to tell the responders where you were at when needing help.

Good luck with everything and please let Lena know that she is in our thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry to hear this any will be praying for a full and fast recovery for Lena.
So sorry to hear this and sending well wishes your way!

Kindest regards.
Al, I've been following your detailed description on Bike Forum. Very scary incident! Especially since she doesn't remember what happened! Best wishes on her speedy recovery!!

Hopefully she will recover well enough and begin riding again. I know a few posters on the Bike Forum mentioned getting a tandem bike and I agree! My wife and I purchased one as our Christmas present to ourselves. :) She's not much of a rider but this way we can enjoy the experience together. Our tandem rides are slow and easy! Enjoy the scenery, light mid cadence peddling, with a mid ride stop at the coffee shop.
Maybe she would like this.


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