Less than a year...


Full time employment: Posting here.
Aug 12, 2014
Planning on retiring May/June of next year. Well--sort of retiring since I have several rental properties and do most of the work on these.

Biggest issue is wife is supporting me in wanting to build a workshop/garage. Hate the idea of borrowing to pay for it but rates are so darn good right now I hate to pull from any investments. Looking at "pay as you go" and being my own general contractor. Don't think neighbors or city would appreciate a 2 year project though. Anyone here relate to that?

Most funds are with brokerage. Big 401K at work. Some other stock. Investment (non rental) properties. Wife is doing part time work but they are talking about moving her to full time and she enjoys it now that she doesn't do management or care about advancement.

Work is asking about me doing contract labor. Might do it. Certain freedom to not HAVING to do it has made tasks a little more enjoyable. Would have stayed until 55 if they would have given me more vacation time instead of money.

Bit worried about healthcare costs. Looked at some costs/budgeting but the numbers never seem concrete. Arkansas has some special deal about its healthcare so even the regular ACA rules are not all in effect here.

Hi, Welcome to the Forum. I can relate the Healthcare concern. And I can definitely relate to the "not enough vacation" time statement !
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