Life Insurance Auto Premium Loan Provision


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 3, 2009
Have AIG whole life policy purchased during Franklin days (around 1994) - probably not the best idea, but we signed up. Policy on two kids and me.

I wasn't monitoring payments and wife stopped paying them - then notices of automatic premium payment through the loan provision started coming.

I understand the basic provisions of how this works, but am looking for bigger picture advice on how to proceed to terminate the policy - or, keep the policy and pay the outstanding loan amounts ...

Don't really need coverage any longer (not sure we did when we signed up) - one kid is 25, well educated and white collar. Othe is 20 and almost through with college. I am 56 and can retire pretty much anytime. Wife and I in good health.

Would appreciate advice on options? Ready to take my lumps :)

Assuming you have no estate planning-related reason to keep it, I would either surrender the policy or swap it for an annuity. Why pay up for coverage you do not need?
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