Lithium battery jumper

Texas Proud

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May 16, 2005
OK... tried a search and found nothing...

Does anybody have any experience in the small lithium car batter jumpers?

I have been thinking about buying one for a couple of years, but thought they were way overpriced.... some have come down in price, but they might not be good...

I searched for reviews and there was a list of 10... about 8 of them were no longer available at Amazon...

I also cannot find much about how much power they have and what kind of protections... the info on them seems a bit lacking...

I did see one at Wally World that seemed OK, but $60 there but $45 online..

They can go for way over $100, but do not seem to be twice as good....
I have an Anker, but I can't tell if it's lithium.

It started my Miata, no problem. I put a calendar reminder to bring it inside and charge it up every 3 months. It was actually very close to that 3 months when I needed it, and it worked fine.

I also like it as a USB power source in case of power outage, or if I'm camping or elsewhere without power and might need to recharge my phone. It's not light, but still works well.
I have an Anker, but I can't tell if it's lithium.

It started my Miata, no problem. I put a calendar reminder to bring it inside and charge it up every 3 months. It was actually very close to that 3 months when I needed it, and it worked fine.

I also like it as a USB power source in case of power outage, or if I'm camping or elsewhere without power and might need to recharge my phone. It's not light, but still works well.

Thanks... yes it is lithium, but like the ones on that list I saw it is not available anymore...
My next jumper might be a lithium type. My lead acid jumper is still going strong after over 7 years of regular top off charging every couple of months.

You might want to check out youtube for demos of people testing out lithium jumpers.
I also have an Anker, keeps a charge for a very long time. Last time I charged it it had been sitting in my car for about 3 months and still had 80-90% charge. Only had to use the jump start feature once so far to help someone else jump start their car and it worked like a champ. Very compact, built in light for emergency needs and can be used to charge devices with USB port, definitely worth having IMO.
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Yes these are awesome. Got 4 smaller ones from Amazon for various vehicles (and travel as they double as battery packs with USB outs). Costco also stocks them seasonally and got two on sale last fall and gave to sisters as Christmas gifts. Versatile, much more compact and hold charge longer than my lead-acid versions. Much, much easier than jumper cables and less chance of something getting blown up or a car's electronics ruined.
My next jumper might be a lithium type. My lead acid jumper is still going strong after over 7 years of regular top off charging every couple of months.

You might want to check out youtube for demos of people testing out lithium jumpers.

I had a lead acid before and used it a couple of times to jump.... found out that when you did jump with it the life of it dropped significantly..... died in only a couple of years.. plus very heavy and did not keep a charge long....

This is why I am thinking lithium as it can be stored easily....
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