Low-acidity drinks without sugar, alcohol or caffeine

You could make your own kombucha out of decaf tea. It's naturally slightly carbonated (although you could let that dissipate). Most of the sugar you add gets eaten by the SCOBY, but you are left with something that's a real puckerer! So the acidity would rule-out this beverage. If all you're worried about is the acid's effect on teeth, how about a water chaser?
One thing that was not clear from the OP and would be good to know is if the drink should have no sugar at all or just no added sugar / sweetener.
For me it doesn't matter whether any sugar was there naturally, or added afterwards.

Prefer to not have sugar at all, but if there is some sugar present I can compromise :)

Coconut juice seems to have 2.6g of sugar per 100g (vs. Coke = 12g / 100g and orange juice 8.4g). So not ideal, but pretty close.

Same with acidity. Say a Ph range of 6 to 8 would be perfect, I guess 5 or so still is ok for teeth?
I grew up on the beachfront in Hawaii, with over a dozen coconut trees just in our yard alone and hundreds/thousands nearby. IMO while you may find that while this drink is ok once in a while as a novelty, it's not something you would want to drink every day.

Free internet advice is worth what you pay for it, but anyway that's mine. It gets kind of nauseating after a while. (Drinking from coconuts, that is, but I guess that could describe internet advice too. :D )

I recommend plain water! It is delicious and good for us.
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After reading this thread I'm wondering about the "why." Are there health issues that force these restrictions or more personal preference? Not sure if you want to cut down on these "evil" ingredients or eliminate them completely, either. Life goes by fast, all things in moderation, etc., etc., etc., but of course hope you are healthy!
I am healthy!

I'm just not too fond of alcohol and its effects, and quite sensitive to cafeine & sugar (prone to sugar-dips afterwards, and trying to live low-carb on most days).

The acidity is to protect my teeth, which already are a bit worn down.

Just trying to find some inspiration on tasty drinks that fit the profile. So it's a preference thing, not necessity.
What are the dangers of the sugar dips? Do they mean anything other than getting that sleepy feeling?

Can you have some nuts with your drink to balance out the nutrients?

I don't drink fruit juice alone, but a good splash of fruit juice (usually no more than 1/8th) in sparkling water is very enjoyable and doesn't give me a sugar crash.
Sleepy feeling and a craving for more sugar .. wrecks my energy levels and makes me prone to overeating.

Diluting fruit juice may be a good suggestion, didn't think about that. Thanks.
Diluting fruit juice may be a good suggestion, didn't think about that. Thanks.

Try one part cranberry juice and one part sparkling water, with ice.
Neither DH nor I like really sweet things, and that includes juices. It's the main reason we dilute with a lot of sparkling water.

100% pomegranate juice (POM) is great with sparkling water, if you don't have much of a sweet tooth. I usually only do it 1/8 juice, no ice.

Unsweetened cranberry juice - that's hard to take. I only use a splash - it's pretty tart. Or you can mix it with the pomegranate. ;) The regular cranberry juice has a lot of sugar added. We can't take it 1/2 and 1/2 - too sweet.
Sleepy feeling and a craving for more sugar .. wrecks my energy levels and makes me prone to overeating.

Diluting fruit juice may be a good suggestion, didn't think about that. Thanks.
Interesting. DH and I sometimes get that postprandial sleepy feeling after a meal, but it never gives us an cravings or makes us feel hungry.

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