Male/Female Differences - Scientific Answers?


Full time employment: Posting here.
May 16, 2004
This ought to liven up the discussion boards! :LOL:

From the UK Daily Mail:

Women talk three times as much as men, says study

It is something one half of the population has long suspected - and the other half always vocally denied. Women really do talk more than men... Dr Brizendine explains that testosterone also reduces the size of the section of the brain involved in hearing - allowing men to become "deaf" to the most logical of arguments put forward by their wives and girlfriends.

"Can you hear me now?"

Author, The Adventurer's Guide to Early Retirement
Which is why, of course, I put in this part from the article as well... :D:

Dr Brizendine explains that testosterone also reduces the size of the section of the brain involved in hearing...

Fair is fair, boys! 8)

(huh? whadja say? You talkin' ta me?) ;)

Author, The Adventurer's Guide to Early Retirement
Did you notice the reader comments at the end of the article? :

"It's not so much a problem of duration of the talking as it is the quality."

- Henny, San Jose, CA

Let's check the San Jose papers for homicides for the next few days.
my wife says i never listen when she talks, at least i think thats what she says
DW's biggest complaint? "You never listen to me"

My answer? "I listen, but usually I don't respond with what you want me to say, so we're back to square one I guess"............... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:


DW: I want a new roof on our house
Me: Why?
DW: Well, there's a few shingles missing
Me: I can fix those, not a problem.........
DW: What if we have other problems going on in water leaks??
Me: Have you noticed any, because I haven't........
DW: Well no, but I just want to make sure.......
Me: Honey, usually people replace roofs when they HAVE a problem.........
DW: Well, it is 15 years old........
Me: So, you want to get a new roof, just because of the age of the roof, and not because we are having problems with it?
DW:There you go again, not listening to me.........

:confused: :confused: :confused: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Guys, I love these comments! soo funny!

This is great!

I must agree with some of you... like looking for homicides in San Jose

"It's not so much a problem of duration of the talking as it is the quality."

Girls and women like to 'chat'. It's a social connector and wired into our genes. Guys want to get right to the point. Grunts work well here, and so do one or two word sentences.

I love Billy. He has taught me how to condense whole theories into 15 second series of rapid fire words, like: "Won't work. Bad execution. This. Better." And then I walk away.

If I did that to a girlfriend, she would have me banned from her heart for months. But Billy understands. :confused: I learned these techniques from him.

After a few months traveling the world with him... I start longing for girl company again, you know, something softer, more welcoming and sentences with verbs... :LOL:

Me: So, you want to get a new roof, just because of the age of the roof, and not because we are having problems with it?
DW:There you go again, not listening to me.........

This is perfect.

FinanceDude, what she is really saying is: I'm afraid the roof will be a bigger problem costing us more unless we fix it now. Tell me we're safe and dry, and not in financial jeopardy if we let it go for a while longer. I need to feel safe and that you are protecting me.

You are listening to her words and she wants you to know what she means. 8) Classic classic classic. I love it!

So glad it's not just my marriage! :LOL:

This is why I have suggested, when you guys want to downsize, travel, retire early, have more freedom to do what you (both) want to do, etc... that you must develop skill in presenting the ideas to your wife.

Let her know she will be secure, safe, taken care of and her opinion matters. Show her how it will be done and give her concrete examples.

Yes it will take effort... but it might save you some $$ and arguments in the long run... :D just my opinion...

Author, The Adventurer's Guide to Early Retirement
You men don't listen cause you're too busy trying to figure out how to put the toilet seat down after you take a wizz :mad:
Me: So, you want to get a new roof, just because of the age of the roof, and not because we are having problems with it?
DW:There you go again, not listening to me.........

Hey Dude, her a box of chocolates. She'll forget about the roof for about a month, then repeat the process. Between you and me, this has worked for years....:)

cube_rat said:
You men don't listen cause you're too busy trying to figure out how to put the toilet seat down after you take a wizz :mad:

cube_rat said:
You men don't listen cause you're too busy trying to figure out how to put the toilet seat down after you take a wizz :mad:

We know how to, it's just more efficient if we leave it up. Plus, while you gals are busy putting the toilet seat down, hopefully you'll stop talking to us for a minute. :D
cube_rat said:
You men don't listen cause you're too busy trying to figure out how to put the toilet seat down after you take a wizz :mad:

The seat only needs to go down if the next wizzer prefers to sit........

Not necessary for modern women.........
Billy said:
Women really do talk more than men... Dr Brizendine explains that testosterone also reduces the size of the section of the brain involved in hearing - allowing men to become "deaf" to the most logical of arguments put forward by their wives and girlfriends.
Lemme get this straight, Akaisha...

You're saying that women need to use three times as many words from a larger part of their brain in order to communicate the same semantic concepts that men exchange using gesticulations, grunts, and words like "Dude!" from a smaller part of their brains?

How efficient is that? Which gender is supposed to be the higher life form?
Nords said:
Lemme get this straight, Akaisha...

You're saying that women need to use three times as many words from a larger part of their brain in order to communicate the same semantic concepts that men exchange using gesticulations, grunts, and words like "Dude!" from a smaller part of their brains?

How efficient is that? Which gender is supposed to be the higher life form?

Not to mention complex phrases such as FUBAR and SNAFU.......... :LOL: :LOL:
Billy said:
FinanceDude, what she is really saying is: I'm afraid the roof will be a bigger problem costing us more unless we fix it now. Tell me we're safe and dry, and not in financial jeopardy if we let it go for a while longer. I need to feel safe and that you are protecting me.
I think Akaisha just demonstrated that the author got the study wrong. Men communicate simple things with grunts and symbolic sounds like "dude" and "f**k" but women communicate complex things with baroque code where you never know what the real topic is. A woman says "I think we need a new roof" to express what a man would have to write down in a white paper? Who needs more words? :LOL:
men are really quite simple, we only have two emotions. we are either hungry or horny.

soooo ladies there it is, if you dont see a woody bring a sandwich

ha ha ha
I think this summarizes the situation well. (Hope my first try at attaching a file works.)


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