Male/Female Differences - Scientific Answers?

i love the knobs the woman has
John Tuttle said:
I think this summarizes the situation well. (Hope my first try at attaching a file works.)

sorry ladies i wish we were deeper than this indicates but we just arent....

ha ha ha
Billy said:
FinanceDude, what she is really saying is: I'm afraid the roof will be a bigger problem costing us more unless we fix it now. Tell me we're safe and dry, and not in financial jeopardy if we let it go for a while longer. I need to feel safe and that you are protecting me.

That's a great translation. Can I hire you to interpret for me sometimes? :)

And, if she says "we need a new roof" to one of her girl friends, does the friend also hear the above, or does she hear something entirely different?

My guess is that her friend would hear: "I'm afraid our roof will be a bigger problem costing us more unless we fix it now, but my cheapskate husband wants to wait until it fails." :D
mickeyd said:
Are you sure that we men need all of that space?

Aren't we ER males a self-deprecating group? Maybe the habit of surrendering before we are inevitably defeated in combat?

I recommend consciousness raising for us, sitting in the woods drumming and chanting, then enjoying some belly dancers brought in to entertain us in the way that we like most.

You're saying that women need to use three times as many words from a larger part of their brain in order to communicate the same semantic concepts that men exchange using gesticulations, grunts, and words like "Dude!" from a smaller part of their brains? How efficient is that? Which gender is supposed to be the higher life form?
Not to mention complex phrases such as FUBAR and SNAFU
You know Billy, you're right. This pretty-much describes my pre-sex banter
we only have two emotions. we are either hungry or horny.

I love it. This is great. You boys are so right. But,… efficiency has its place if you know what I mean. 8) You can’t always get the horny part of you fixed while in a relationship with a woman by emphasizing efficiency… ::) And there has to be something appealing about being with a woman besides appreciating efficiency…
:eek: :LOL: 8)
but women communicate complex things with baroque code where you never know what the real topic is.

Again, you are right. Men and Women speak different languages. There is Man-speak and Woman-speak. This is what all the jokes are about, and it‘s why we laugh!

Guys have all the grunts and chest pounding and women have words like thingy, and the ‘go pedal’. I’m not going to deny it or feel ashamed. :-[ Any self respecting woman would know what I’m talking about in an instant. :LOL: And if she didn’t she would hug me. :D A man would grunt louder and pound his chest harder unless I gave him a sandwich. In which case he’d immediately forget we were having a conversation to begin with!
:D ;)

John I love that photo! So true! This is such an educational thread!!

That's a great translation. Can I hire you to interpret for me sometimes?

Any time, buddy. I believe in saving marriages. I think I would be pretty good at the translation, too!

And, if she says "we need a new roof" to one of her girl friends, does the friend also hear the above, or does she hear something entirely different?
My guess is that her friend would hear: "I'm afraid our roof will be a bigger problem costing us more unless we fix it now, but my cheapskate husband wants to wait until it fails."

I think you’re probably pretty close to the truth there, hahaha!!

Isn’t this great fun? No go check to see if you put the toilet seat down. Surprise your wife!! ;)

Author, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement
What about men who don't care for spectator sports/large loud machines/...

or women who don't care for shopping/shoes/makeup/...

mickeyd said:
Are you sure that we men need all of that space?
Are you kidding?!?

The bigger the better!! Can we get a turbo booster with that, and maybe some flames spray-painted on the side?
Akaisha said:
After a few months traveling the world with him... I start longing for girl company again, you know, something softer, more welcoming and sentences with verbs...
"sentences with verbs" , he-he, I love it! I started laughing out loud so my husband asked what was up, I read it to him and he just wasn't as amused [no surprise].

I did notice your posts have been about 3 times longer than the average men's posts so far on this thread, hmm . . . :)
My DW and I often laugh about our different habits on email. When someone thanks me for some thing I accept that and no reply is necessary. When she gets a thank-you, she must respond to it and often there are 3 or 4 further exchanges beofre the task is done.

I remember is English Composition being ver aware of the word count to make sure I made it. My female friends always had trouble getting it all in under the count...
Goal: Use the least possible number of words to completely express one's emotion, idea, opinion, request.

Result: Possibility of a divorce. :LOL: :LOL:
I did notice your posts have been about 3 times longer than the average men's posts so far on this thread, hmm . . .

(and your point is…?? Hee hee hee :D )

Kcowan both your comments were right on! Women do 3 or 4 email exchanges so the thank you is firmly set. That’s about right… 8)

Goal: Use the least possible number of words to completely express one's emotion, idea, opinion, request. Result: Possibility of a divorce.

Once again,… so true!

I have learned to say what I need to say to Billy in less than 3 minutes. For me that takes practice. I have to pare down to the essentials, cut out any frills.

I usually begin by saying:

Me: Billy, I need to talk to you about something
Billy: Grunt
Me: ok, 3 things.
Billy: Grunt
Me: #1 blah. #2 Blah blah. #3 Blah blah blah, what do you think?
Billy: Grunt

I try to hold myself back from asking “does that last grunt mean yes or no?” because by that time my 3 minutes are up. :LOL:

Aint’ it great? 29 years of this and I know we’re doing well, ‘cause the other day Billy actually smiled and said “Glad you aren’t gonna make a late inning change on me.”

That’s good, right?

Author, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement

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