Medicare Social Security Hold Harmless


Recycles dryer sheets
Oct 28, 2007
I am "sure" that this question has been asked and answered before but my poor search abilities on this site didn't find me an answer.

My wife turns 65 later this year and will start both medicare and social security. I am waiting until 70 to collect SS. In a couple of years inflation might return to a low number so SS COLA may end up being less than Medicare premium increases for my wife (I think her PIA is around 1500). If that is the case, would her Medicare premiums be limited due to hold harmless? Even if we were both paying IRMAA?


Figured that it didn't apply to IRMAA but am a little surprised if hold harmless would apply to her basic medicare premiums.
Figured that it didn't apply to IRMAA but am a little surprised if hold harmless would apply to her basic medicare premiums.

If your income is high enough to qualify for IRMAA, yes, your SS payment net of insurance premiums can decrease despite having an increase in SS due to COLA. I've experienced it.:mad:
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