Oh, so you kept the BP stock after the well blew? My son & wife (CMA grads) took the ARCO merger bonus, 'retired' to shore but kept the stock. When the well blew they sold it. If you still have the stock holding tight is an option but if you still want a piece of the industry there is a thread discussing bulk carriers.
Age wise I am 10 years ahead of you. Sometimes simplicity is better as we get older but I am not convinced that an annuity will give you the income security you are seeking.
Comapre annuities that to Vanguard's Wellesley Income or Wellington funds. My favorite balanced fund, Oakmark Balanced, is closed to new investors but if it were open I would put that in the mix.
The advantage of a balanced fund over an annuity is you don't have the risk that your annuity writer will go down in heavy seas.