Misery loves company......please make me laugh

Ha! Now that one got me to laughing!

You have it easy...how about this one as a hostile environment?...
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Thanks guys that was great.............the 2nd one was not far from my current reality.

Keep 'em coming.........................
Freebird...That was a sketch from HBO's Whitest Kids U' Know. Do a Utube search, "WKUK".

Jime...Take things for what they are and lay low till you get a peek at other offers...Like what the others have said. Roads can lead to burned bridges, you know.
My "final letter" was meeting with the VP in charge of my area and it opened like this~ "We've decided to go in another direction with your area of responsibility..."

A while later, and realizing that there was not an opportunity for my skills and experience, I accepted ER. I then did some simple math and discovered that DW and I had enough assets/income streams to last us until 2044, my 100th birtthyear.

No misery, but a lot of company.
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