Mouse (mice?) in attic

You ought to see what you have to do to get rid of chipmunks.

I've been at war with the chipmunks for the last 3 years. I have 2 have a heart traps but that's like having a part time j*b with the eviction process. And the stupid squirrels get caught in the trap too. That's always fun releasing a caged squirrel.


I did put concrete blocks over all their holes (4) in the yard this winter. I can't find any new holes in the yard, but I'm sure they'll be back.

The bucket of death works, until the squirrels discover it. :mad: Seldom mentioned, chipmunks can doggie paddle. At least some of them. I stopped caring since I can't get the damn things to move on. I even had to put wire mesh around the house and garage foundations so they'd stop digging there.

Stupid beech tree doesn't help either.
Cats, while useless against squirrels, will make short work of chipmunks.

I remember rescuing a chipmunk from our Siamese when I was 8. The ungrateful rodent promptly bit me, which served me right for thwarting the cat.

I've been at war with the chipmunks for the last 3 years.
Cats, while useless against squirrels, will make short work of chipmunks.

I remember rescuing a chipmunk from our Siamese when I was 8. The ungrateful rodent promptly bit me, which served me right for thwarting the cat.

Coming between a cat and a chipmunk can never end well. A similar comment can be made about a dog and raccoon. Our dog found a raccoon down by the ditch, a flight broke out. Our DD who was about 10 told Granpa, you need to help Annie...Granpa said no all we can do is patch her up when it's over.
UPDATE: OP here. 1 down, ?? to go. 2 days ago, laid down new snap traps, rebaited the older traps. That night, one of the older traps made quick work of the intruder :dance:. No killings last night, and no noises from the attic, either.

We do not have these exact ones, but our ultrasonic repellents seem to have made a difference. We see much fewer mice getting into our house only 2 this winter and the first ones in over a year. We do still put out traps, and ensure any cracks are plugged (we use steel wool, as this irritates them to try to gnaw through), this has to be attacked from all angles.
I've been at war with the chipmunks for the last 3 years. I have 2 have a heart traps but that's like having a part time j*b with the eviction process. And the stupid squirrels get caught in the trap too. That's always fun releasing a caged squirrel.


Just wait until you catch your first skunk. Oh what a day that was! I have been battling chipmunks for several years now. I have come to the conclusion that the best I can do is to minimize the population. Last year was pretty good most of the year when a few Garden Snakes moved into the area. Early last Fall, they disappeared and the chipmunks returned.
Coming between a cat and a chipmunk can never end well.
We came home from work one day and saw our cat sitting/laying on the driveway in an unusual position. He would not stand up as we approached. Then he did a quick up - down motion showing a trapped, live chipmunk under him. After laughing a while, DH picked up the cat and carried him inside. The chipmunk left shortly thereafter. The next day, there was a dead chipmunk on the driveway with the cat standing over it.
UPDATE: OP here. 1 down, ?? to go. 2 days ago, laid down new snap traps, rebaited the older traps. That night, one of the older traps made quick work of the intruder :dance:. No killings last night, and no noises from the attic, either.
Once you've eliminated this family, set a reminder to periodically re-bait. If you have winter then in the fall you'll see them again.

In the summer I set bait outside. Since it's warm they do not come looking inside.
We dealt with mice for 32 years in our former home. We tried everything up in the attic. Then a light bulb went off and we realized they were getting in through our garage and going up the walls. We would put standard traps in there and caught at least one mouse every single day.

No more hearing them in the attic.
Google Goodnature A24 trap. Very efficient way to rid your home of mice and rats.
One other thing about using poison - if your mice or rats eat it and then go outside if a raptor eats the rat or mouse then the raptor is poisoned and dies.
Dead beautiful bird in the process.
Please don't use poison....
If you search for Shawn Woods on YouTube, you'll learn more about mouse trapping than you ever knew was possible.
You ought to see what you have to do to get rid of chipmunks.

In some states chipmunks are a protected species and you're not supposed to "get rid of them".
In my state (Georgia) you are supposed to have a permit to get rid of them because they are a "non game" species.:rolleyes: and Yes, they are VERY destructive.
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1 cup Plaster of Paris
1 package of instant mashed potatoes
Dash of cinnamon
1 cup of water
Stir and place where they'll find it.

This one I think causes them gas and believe it or not, mice can't fart! At least that is what I read.
Self rising flour
Baking Soda
Mix equal parts and set out.
Bait is best if you have an infestation as I did (thanks to my neighbor’s bird and chicken feeders). The guy I talked to said the newer baits don’t ‘kill twice’ like the old ones unless the other animal gobbles up a bunch of dead mice, and even then then they’re more likely to be sick. He said the key thing is to clean up nesting places (like Ivy, woodpiles and strewn trash) and feed (compost bins and bird/chicken feeders are the most common culprits). I got rid of my Ivy and my compost bin (they had chewed a hole in it) and that greatly helped. Now, if I could only convince my neighbor to quit feeding seeds to wild birds- not only does it attract vermin, but it also kills birds (particularly goldfinches) with salmonella because most don’t clean their feeders and the disease spreads like crazy
One other thing about using poison - if your mice or rats eat it and then go outside if a raptor eats the rat or mouse then the raptor is poisoned and dies.
Dead beautiful bird in the process.
Please don't use poison....

Same with squirrels and chipmunks.
I told DW not to make any more rodent stew just to be safe ! ;)
Please do not use snap traps or, even worse, glue traps! Mice are sentient beings who feel pain and emotions just as humans do. I totally understand not wanting them in your house. There are humane traps to achieve that (link below)! Humane traps are just as effective and you won't have dead mice rotting in your house. Just make sure to take the trapped mice to a wooded area far from your home! Better yet, block the gaps where they are entering.
Please do not use snap traps or, even worse, glue traps! Mice are sentient beings who feel pain and emotions just as humans do. I totally understand not wanting them in your house. There are humane traps to achieve that (link below)! Humane traps are just as effective and you won't have dead mice rotting in your house. Just make sure to take the trapped mice to a wooded area far from your home! Better yet, block the gaps where they are entering.

Maybe some posters don't have wooded areas far from their homes. Mice are vermin and need to be eradicated.
I would use the poison, as it makes the mice go outside in search of water and die.

While I don't hunt, and generally love all animals, the fact is mice are a large danger to a home.
They will chew things, and when they chew the wires it can cause a house fire.

Naturally sealing up any tiny holes is a good idea.

We had a raccoon in our attic, I live trapped it outside (marshmallows work great) and relocated it. But with mice, you could live trap forever and never get them all due to the rapid reproduction rate.
i have only seen borax used for roaches, not mice. Abrasive grinds holes in carapace and they dessicate.
Update # 2: Dead mouse # 3 is in the attic. I'm currently in hospital so DW heard a trap go off, but she'll wait for me to come home and dispose of it :). She just bought peppermint oil for a hopeful deterrent.
........Naturally sealing up any tiny holes is a good idea...........
In theory, but it is nearly impossible to mouse proof a house, unless maybe it was done during initial construction. The little buggers can squeeze though a very tiny opening.
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