My COBRA is running out soon

Like others have said.. You should have coverted to a Individual policy along time ago.. Group plan cost the aver of Twice as Much and even with a higher Deductable Individual policy, you'd be far better off..

Of course, it all depends on the state your in on how aggressive they are in forcing Insurance Compainies to take Pre-X people on coversions..from Cobra to Indem Plans..

Consult with a "Independent Agent" who brokers with All the Co.'s that are allowed to do business in your state..
"congress passes a law that outlaws denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition"

Well, It's not that simple..why?
1. Too many would wait until AFTER they get sick to get coverage, just like those who get Pregant and Then apply for maternity coverage...
2. Insurance Co.'s Are In Business to Make Money! Would you accept someone that has a Pre X costing you twice as much as you can charge?
3. States Formed State Plans for this Problem, but Many Insurance Co.'s used as a Dumping Ground many State Plans are closed for lack of enough funding for anymore New people..
4. A National Health care Plan? Sure, but Like in countries that have them? Expect yo pay Twice as much in taxes to have it? You think 7.5% of your pay check for Medicare is high? How about paying 15-20%? And Get a HMO type plan in return?
5. of the est. 45 million Uninsured? over 60% are Able to get Insurance but they don't want to pay for it , but can afford it...they rather have a New SUV, Cable TV and Cell phones and live the Good Life! and when they need it? Just Let their Neighbor pay for it!

Heck the Illegals and Poor have been doing it for yrs..
A hospital group in Texas just announced it will have to stop treating Illegals and Poor since it cannot afford to anymore ,a fter spending over $10 Million last yr doing so and Taking Funds away from Treating those that can and are willing to pay..US Citizens..

Ask your Kids if they would take a job with Group Health but it pays $5k less a yr or a job paying $5k more a Yr but no Insurance?

I think MEDICARE is the only way to go..It's already set up and making it a NHCP is common sense for every American Citizen that pays into it..It would be a mandatory porgram , since it is now.. Just only have to raise the Rates paying into it..

H. Clinton tried this, but the Insurance Lobby's Shut her down..Gee, I wonder why?
Ins. Co.'s would loose Hundreds of Billions in Profits..
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