My disastrous life as a landlord (long)

I'm thinking about buying a rental property and I keep hearing stories like this one. I'm currently doing some research and some folks here have recomended a few books to read about becoming a landlord. I feel I'll be prepared when I purchase my first rental property, but stories like this....
The best book is "Landlording" by Leigh Robinson.

No is prepared.After 20 yaers of doing this I still get surprises.
www.Mrlandlord has a good q&a forum,you may want to take a peek at it.

Landlording has changed over the years.Todays laws all protect the tenant.
In some states you may not even verify where the tenant gets their income from.
The courts and media are all on the tenants side,we rich,fatcat landlords are the bad guys.
When asking an applicant why they are moving,I've yet to hear even one say that their landlord was a good one.If they trash a house and get eveicted,it's always the evil landlords fault.
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