My job? Living here


True words.

I think that one must be prepared to move and expect to move. How can Thailand be much more foreign than Kingsport, Tennessee, or Buffalo, New York, or Ft. McMurray, Alberta (from where I write at this monent), or Naya Nangal, Punjab, or Johannesburg, RSA (more stickers on the luggage)?

My dad once told me that there were only two kinds of people in the world: those who stay home and those who do not. These two groups have to make different plans. Older folks need to be honest with themselves about this, and the spouse has to be on the same wavelength. I have seen much stress in couples when they retired.

Save me a Singha, please.


Ed_The_Gypsy said:
I think that one must be prepared to move and expect to move.  How can Thailand be much more foreign than Kingsport, Tennessee, or Buffalo, New York, or Ft. McMurray, Alberta (from where I write at this monent), or Naya Nangal, Punjab, or Johannesburg, RSA (more stickers on the luggage)?

Ed, are you working in the oil sands? I have had a good position in Suncor for the last several years. I'd like to hear your comments.

Mikew -- can you tell me please roughly how much it might cost a single to live in Japan, and specifically where (are you in Tokyo or elsewhere)?

Hi Caroline
I am in Kyoto. It is still fairly expensive here. But things are coming down. Also things seem to be going up in the states. I have been suprised how close prices are becoming.

For me and my wife our expenses are about 2500 a month. We don't have an extravagant lifestyle but we don't go without. I would say a single could live here on 1700. (Very rough guess)

Yes, HaHa (now that my cover is blown), I toil in the tar sands. For the present.

I am a contract process engineer working at the Muskeg River Mine. The money is good and I enjoy the work, most of the people and the area. -40 C in the winter and everything! (For those who don't know, -40 C is exactly the same as -40 F; the only temperature where that happens. Can't supress that engineer stuff.) Actually, there is an ad for a staff process engineer at Firebag that I might look into. Who knows?

There ought to be enough work up here for a long, long time. In my business, that is hard to find. I have debts to pay.

My daughter is up here on summer break working. It is nice to see her regularly.

What are your comments?

Nice to hear from the expats and hear them field the questions of folks possibly interested.

I live in the Middle East and it is far more enjoyable and luxurious than most Stateside folks have been led to believe. Have been here 6 years. Considering going back (to the US) only because children are with their mother in North America. Financially not a great idea.

Good to be flexible, as ben says.

BTW, he and I are planning some research in Pattaya, Thailand. We'll let you know what we discover.
I am very interested in the ME. No income taxes is a nice bonus. Considered applying to a couple of positions in the UAE. But my present job has gotten easy to do and the wife is against it.

I am not sure if this is correct but I heard about 5 years ago that the wages in the ME were falling for non-oil industry related expats like teachers because of cheap oil and relative peace. Was this true and are wages going back up?.

mikew -

Salaries were always pretty good for accountants (what I am) and business school profs (what I am, too).

Things get tighter when the price of crude drops. I arrived in 1999. Maybe a little before that was differnet. I acn ask but almost everyone is on vacation.

As great as the financial benefits are, I would say the intangibles gave them a run for the money. Be careful on the marriage: they say overseas postings make the weak ones weaker and the strong ones stronger. I thought we were in the latter camp. I was wrong. I signed my separation agreement today.
Costa Rica is a great country good people and alot of things of interest.

Thailand I have never been there although Ben and Lancelot have stated alot of positive things and I would really like to visit maybe even consider retirement.

The Middle East, forget it, I can't imagine ever going
near there.

Other places of interest Panama and Buenos Aires.
Sorry to hear about your seperation. I have a feeling overseas posting can make even strong mariages weak depending on the circumstances.

I can understand the feeling and agree that the ME is not the easiest region to live. But I would say different strokes for different folks. Also I think people lump all the countries together. Dubai is different from Tehran. Also it is probably eaier to save a pile of money in a gulf oil state than a fun country like Costa Rica.

Check out the world development. Each island is sold to developers starting at 7 million dollars. Each island is supposed to be themed as where it is on the map.

I would have no problem living in the ME if I was earning a bundle but if we are talking FIRE-base then Thailand/Costa Rica Etc. sounds much more appealing! 8) Cheers!
We actually used to go swimming/sunbathing across from where they are building those islands. Tad industrial but where we are they seem to have stopped.

Not a beach culture here, we had the place to ourselves. Boiling hot here these days.

ben - let's coordinate. my plan is to do a medical and suits run in fall (first week of November).

There are lots of cheap places in the Middle East. Morrocco would be great, given proximity to our French farm property. There's a uni there in the Atlas mountains.

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