Naked Gardening Day 2024


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Jan 31, 2008
If there are any interested members, May 4 is Naked Gardening Day. ER Forum members enjoy posting and discussing lists of cities, so here’s one that lists the “best” cities for naked gardening. 2024's Best Cities for World Naked Gardening Day - LawnStarter
Topping the list is Miami, and I suspect South Beach is ground zero. They list other cities, although for my taste NY may still be a bit chilly.

Here’s a web post describing the attributes a city needs to be hospitable to naked gardening. The Top 12 U.S. Cities for Observing World Naked Gardening Day
I'd be in but it's still raining and will be continuing. And naked gardening with a full raincoat on takes away from the sport.
I've been in some of those 12 cities in early May and I assure you, it would be a bit chilly for such festivities but YMMV.
I am in Tucson, Arizona. If I bend over naked to tend to my roses, there is a 100% likelihood that my rear bumper will spontaneously combust.
OMGoodness!! Lol!

Well, I might do it at the ranch but tomorrow way to cold and rainy. At the ranch only God would see me and I'm not sure I want him to see though.
I've never given any thought to naked gardening, but now that MichaelB has brought it to our attention, it could be that the practice is a natural. That's especially true when you consider several common gardening terms appear to relate closely to the practice, such as:

Hardening off - taking your seedlings outdoors for short and then increasingly longer periods of time to get them used to sun, wind, and rain before moving them to their permanent home in the garden.

Bare root plants - a plant that is sold in a dormant state with its roots exposed.

Hand pollination - aiding in the pollination process by physically transferring pollen from one flower or plant to another.

There are others, but I'll quit while I'm behind...
The key to naked gardening is not seeing yourself! :2funny:

I've never given any thought to naked gardening, but now that MichaelB has brought it to our attention, it could be that the practice is a natural. That's especially true when you consider several common gardening terms appear to relate closely to the practice, such as:

Hardening off - taking your seedlings outdoors for short and then increasingly longer periods of time to get them used to sun, wind, and rain before moving them to their permanent home in the garden.

Bare root plants - a plant that is sold in a dormant state with its roots exposed.

Hand pollination - aiding in the pollination process by physically transferring pollen from one flower or plant to another.

There are others, but I'll quit while I'm behind...
LOL!!!! Yes, Yes and I will say those are some fun interesting adjustives. LOL!!!!
I'm afraid I'd scare off the wildlife around here. But OTOH, maybe I wouldn't need a scarecrow anymore.:)
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My neighbor gave that a NO for me.

Funny thing is that gardening around here is quite the opposite. Me and DW wear a lot of cloths when gardening to keep from getting too much sun and protect against bugs - especially ticks.
I’ll pass, though I noticed Pennsylvania had two cities in the top ten locations.
I'm pretty sure the ones who participate aren't going to be the ones I'd want to see participating.

There is a saying:

"The people who want to go naked,
Are not the people you want to see naked".
Isn't that how this whole mess got started?

If I were to take part in this, I'd water flowers in our front yard naked where I can only be seen from the sky.

But since we have a tick infestation, I think I'll pass
It's going to be a bit warm tomorrow in western Colorado. I have a volunteer event tomorrow that will require plenty of sunscreen. I have partaken in some au natural events but not gardening.

I did notice that many of these locations are in the bible belt. Mmmmmm.
Sunny Florida here, my wife is in her large garden every single day.
I'll tell her, but don't expect pictures.
Sorry, I don't like gardening either with or without clothes! I'll pass.

Years ago I had all the trees and bushes removed from my yard, so all I have left is grass. And, I have a kindly older gentleman named Percy who only charges me $35 to mow my lawn with his rider mower. He has done so on every Friday for the past 20 years. He appreciates the steady cash each week, and also mows for numerous other houses on my block. I don't want to see him naked, sorry.

But have fun, everybody! :D
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