I have used, and been very happy with laptops as "desktop replacements" for a couple of decades. I don't like sitting upright at a desk as though I was at work when I'm relaxing and surfing the net - - sitting on a sofa or recliner in the living room, is much more comfortable and lends more easily to multitasking IMO. Hurricane evacuation with a laptop is much easier than with a desktop, and I have a rolling computer case that it fits in nicely.
In the late 1990's I had both a laptop and a desktop, but found that the latter just gathered dust and I never used it for anything at all. So, I have not had a desktop for over 20 years and have not missed having one for a single moment.
About 10 years ago I happily shifted from 15" to 17" laptops due to aging vision that benefits from a larger screen. Yes they are a bit heavier, but it's not like I am lugging them to work every day or anything! I'm retired and my laptop is nicely supported by a swivel table that hovers over my lap, as close to or far from my eyes as I wish. As I sit here in my recliner, I enjoy seeing your words on a 17" screen, thus in a larger format that is easier on my aging eyes.