New member, fed up with working and wanting to RE

Really the deciding factor is my daughter. I don't want to disrupt the routine too much until she graduates high school. But as soon as that is no longer an issue, then there really is no reason to keep working when I really don't want to.

This is the same boat my DW and I are in at the moment, although we have longer to go than you. Our DD is in 5th grade, so I have nearly 8 years to go. We would retire sooner on less, but we really want to keep her in the school she loves and not disrupt her life for our ER.
Mint user here too...been using for almost 7 years. It's awesome for really tracking expenses and comparing year / year. I keep a mirror file in a spreadsheet so I can make notes on special spending events. We have been on the 3500-ish / month spending this year and we really don't do without much. This includes everything, taxes, insurance, everything.

I'm in the camp where you have no problem doing it now if you get your housing under control. We live in a 60's home valued at around $400k and average electric is less than $100, so you're definitely over spending there. Our prop taxes are $6,200...congrats either way. I'm in the 47 year camp too...

Thanks! And yes, the house is a point of contention. I'm trying to detach myself from it emotionally, but it's just an awesome house and I've put a lot of work into it. That said, my desire to retire still outweighs my desire to keep this house. So the house is going to go - it's just a matter of deciding when.

Just curious, how do you keep a mirror file? Is there a way in Mint to download all the transactions so that I don't have to re-enter all of them? You don't have to explain step by step - just yes or no and I'll figure it out.
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