New Name for Retire

A fishing friend of mine calls himself a:

'Gentleman Sportsman" 8)
My latest answer to the question of what I do !

I'm on a jouney to find my inner slug.

Looking at lives that I have admired, I came to the

conclusion that I would emulate the lives of our cats.

Things may change, but it works for me now.
Being on the very pinnacle of ER..only a few weeks to go, sonsabitches just have to ask "Waddaya gonna do?" Being in an IBM area, folks are used to hearing impressive titles that convey absolutely nothing. Sooooo I have a few canned responses switchblade-ready; like George Carlin says, "just to them on their toes".

Information Development
Credits Liquidation
Logistics Troubleshooter
Septic Think Tanker
and one of my very favorites... Post Horizon Planner

As far as a new label for for all of us... hmmm, I'm trying to think but nuttin' happens.

I always used "private investor" until my old age pension arrived at 55.

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