Ode to Joy 'Flashmob'


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 21, 2008
Not really a flashmob.

I posted this here about a year ago, but I loved it so much I have to see it again every few months. Thought I'd link it one more time near the holidays in the hope that others might be moved like I was. Still gives me tingles to imagine what it must have been like to be in that crowd unaware of what was about to happen - what a pleasant surprise, pure magic IMO. Open to big screen and turn the volume to 11...may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for some.
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Wonderful stuff here. Thank you!
Yes terrific stuff.
I loved all the beautiful additions. They'd all be great performances if the were scheduled and performed in concert. But the added element of surprise just blows me away, takes the experience over the top.


Tears of joy.

And it's nice that today's technology allows these events to be recorded with high production value (audio, video, editing, etc.) and available to anyone online - allowing all of us to enjoy them.
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One of my favorite videos; no matter how tough a day, i can play that video in the evening and end with a smile on my face. Here is my second favorite:

Humans are rarely in better form than when they are making music for the sheer enjoyment of it.
And a little 'Hallelujah Chorus" for the holiday at the Macy's (formerly Wanamaker's, I think) in Philadelphia.

Opera Company of Philadelphia "Hallelujah!" Random Act of Culture - YouTube

I don't understand how this great work has become associated with Christmas. It is an Easter celebration (from the Passion to Resurrection), it was written for Easter, and the premier was in Dublin, with Handel in attendance, on Good Friday.

Ironically, I recently wanted to listen to some non-Christmas music, so I created a playlist of "not Christmas", and this came up a while later, because I intentionally don't have it tagged as "Christmas"!

I don't understand how this great work has become associated with Christmas. It is an Easter celebration (from the Passion to Resurrection), it was written for Easter, and the premier was in Dublin, with Handel in attendance, on Good Friday.

Ironically, I recently wanted to listen to some non-Christmas music, so I created a playlist of "not Christmas", and this came up a while later, because I intentionally don't have it tagged as "Christmas"!


Understood. In my church choir, we sing this at Easter (with the rest of Part II). We sing Part I of the Messiah at Christmas, for which that part was written.

But people enjoy the Hallelujah Chorus so much that a tradition has arisen in many places of also singing it at Christmas. It doesn't bother me -- the music is beautiful and it is a joy to sing and to hear, whatever the season.
They could have used her at Nelson Mandela's funeral!
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