Old soda bottles in bathroom walls - Why?

We recently put new counter tops in and would have had the perfect place for this gag but didn't see the meme till the new tops were in place.
One of our best friends related this:
His granddad was a high muckety-muck in a town in the Deep South. He was a newspaper hoarder - saved them in stacks, but organized. I can't remember his occupation but they were his personal "filing cabinets". Whenever some issue arose, he would go to his 'stacks' and be able to pull out the relevant article very quickly - a one-man Google, LOL.

Even living in a mansion, over a 50-yr career those stacks took up two or three good-sized rooms. When he died, the family sighed in relief that they could FINALLY get rid of all those old yellowing newspapers!

The junkmen came with their big truck and started hauling loads of papers out, tossing them into the truck....

...and yes indeed; money started fluttering out from inside the pages, where the old man had hidden his 'stash'! Our friend was about 5 or 6 then, and remembers the total as being somewhere around $20K.
Just cool memorabilia for you to find. Lots of people put things like the nice hard cover Cabela's catalogs etc that they used to recieve in the attic insulation, or in walls etc. Just a reminder of the times for someone to uncover some day.

When we moved into our first house in 1986, I found a stack of, shall we say, "adult" magazines dating from the late 1970s under some attic insulation. I told DW "if they have been here that long, at least its proof there have not been any rodents up here :LOL:". We had our first outdoor bonfire than evening :).

One of my co-workers claimed that when they bought their home, the woman they purchased it from - then a widower in her 80s, going to live with one of her children - had a large bookcase that she did not want to move and offered it to them for free. They accepted it. A month later, when remodeling, they moved it and found about a dozen explicit polaroid pictures featuring a woman. They were sure it was the widow in her younger days, as she had lived in the house for a while. They speculate her husband likely took them, as in the pics she seemed very aware and pleased than a camera was present, and at some point hid them there before he died. Out of courtesy they destroyed the pictures.

Our basement has a drop ceiling, now I am tempted to leave a treasure map there for the future owners to find :).
We recently put new counter tops in and would have had the perfect place for this gag but didn't see the meme till the new tops were in place.

Love it. 50 yrs worth of spider webs will certainly add to the creepy effect.
Definitely a level above soda bottles!

* - Aside, I wish I had the luxury to have dead space in cabinets in my tiny kitchen. I guess this is where people will be sitting so they decided to just make it support. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets opened sooner than 50 years.
Just after WWII my dad had a straight j*b but also had a small business raising vegetable starts which he sold to the public after his shift. He had bought an old greenhouse and moved it to the old homestead. With that greenhouse he had (literally) tons of extra glass that the original owner had saved as he tore down greenhouses. My dad took it all, thinking he'd build more greenhouses. Shortly after all this, I was born and by the time I was 8, my dad tore down his green house and wanted to get rid of all that glass. At the back of the property were two lots which dad owned. He (and I) dumped all the glass down a little embankment and buried it all with dirt.

Fast forward 55 years. The two back lots were sold long ago and eventually someone put up a house there. One day while I was standing out in the yard at the homestead, a guy came up from the lot and asked me if I knew anything about all the glass he had found in the hillside (he was digging a driveway for the house.) I probably blushed when I told him the story. It was a mess, but I guess they just scooped it all up and took it to a dump. "Be sure, your sins will find you out." Num 32:23

I am in the process of building a 9x12 greenhouse on my property, it is on a slight grade. All of research I have done was to put down a bed of aggregate down at least 6 inches of drainage and to keep varmints from burrowing underneath. Well, the perimeter of the greenhouse is #2 limestone and the interior aggregate is my busted up floor tile from last years project. The good leftover tile will be installed on top of the subflooring to insure no critters make the dig, then surface inside.
Definitely a level above soda bottles!

* - Aside, I wish I had the luxury to have dead space in cabinets in my tiny kitchen. I guess this is where people will be sitting so they decided to just make it support. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets opened sooner than 50 years.

If I had a dead space like that, I'd make it a secret hiding place to put stuff when I went on travels.
Tearing into the old homestead for our remodel ca 1981, we found a 1901 Indian Head penny in the wall as well as an antique toy boat (by the way, try to say "toy boat" 6 times rapidly. Seriously. Try it. If you can, please report back here as I can't do it.)

This was in the shed part of the house, built off a 2 story structure we dated to just after the Civil War, based on construction and construction materials. Heh, heh, only thing we found in the "old" part of the house was termites! Dead ones that had been treated back in the 50's - I still remember when that happened. One wall was literally eaten away (looked mostly okay, but I kicked most of it down as someone else placed supports behind my destruction.)
I remodeled the family room in our 2nd home. Behind the paneling was a plane ticket dated shortly before the home was completed in 1978 as I recall. The name on the ticket........ Willam Kidd. Obviously not the original Billy the Kid, but made for some interesting discussion.
We recently put new counter tops in and would have had the perfect place for this gag but didn't see the meme till the new tops were in place.

Now that would be a great thing to do. I like that!!
Remember those old medicing cabinets that had a slot to dispose of used razor blades? I was remodelinng our old farmhouse and found a bunch of blades in the cavity behind the medicine cabinet.

And the house had a crawl space where I found some 60's era beer cans. I asked the previous owner and he said that "Dad was a tee-totaler" and sometimes the kids needed a place to ditch them quick.
I purchased some land last year that was homesteaded with a spot where there is a 150 plus year old 3 room home and an old outbuilding/shop.

It has been an interesting venture so far with the things I have found. Some buried and some not but everything is from years gone by. Some of the things I found by accident that were under the earth surface have been interesting and creates questions.

I haven't even really investigated the 3-room shanty yet. I do have a little history of who lived there when it was homesteaded under US Gov. at that time.
Wellllllllllll WHAT DID YOU FIND? You are baiting all of us out here`!
A lot of fishing items and one old time reel worth rare antique value. One interest ice fishing stick that I found in a search as an antique also.

An antique seed cleaning piece of equipment that is really a work of art for its time.

I found a Maytag washing machine gas engine. It is 7 inches high and 7 inches wide. I completely overhauled it from parts I found on internet and runs like a charm.

Different things used with horse gear and old fencing apparatus. I have found some much iron objects buried with some of them being iron wheels. A lot of them very good shape. So many other things I have found. A lot of glass item and old stuff in house.

When I was working on the corral, I dug up a high voltage electrical wire grip an old rotted out lineman ditty bag and the pad from a lineman hooks. I was hoping I wasn't going to find an old lineman buried in the old corral. Lol

I have an old site where a log cabin was at one time. I want to get a metal detector and search that area really good. Another old cabin is still standing but not much left in that two-room cabin. Not sure if anything is buried or in walls there either.

The old bachelor that lived there last must have been a drinking man. I find hard liquor bottles buried and just barely covered with earth. Stuff just keeps surfacing and showing up from just being there.

Sometime this winter I can get through some of the building.
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE Treasure hunts like you have access to`! HOW FUN~!!!!!
Oh get yourself a real GOOD Metal Detector...can't wait to read more about your historical treasure finds~!!!
I remodeled the family room in our 2nd home. Behind the paneling was a plane ticket dated shortly before the home was completed in 1978 as I recall. The name on the ticket........ Willam Kidd. Obviously not the original Billy the Kid, but made for some interesting discussion.

Heh, heh, I'd rather find one with Dan Cooper on it! Now that would be a conversation piece.
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