Osprey Nest Cam


Full time employment: Posting here.
Nov 12, 2017

this Cam is on Potomac River near Dahlgren Naval Station.
They got new platform and have laid first egg.
This pair are famous for bring stuffed animals to nest.
Got first one sometime in night.
That is cute, bringing stuffed animals!
Ospreys, cause huge problems for our electric grids here in Montana. They build nests on poles electrical structures and conflicts happen all the time. Millions of dollars have been spent to lessen outages, but it is a perpetual issue.

Pole and above ground installations for power is must with the terrain we have. Underground power lines aren't an option with the rock terrain and landscape we for the most part.

They are an amazing bird to watch in the wild.
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understand Street. All power lines here in FLA have spikes/dagger, today walking an Osprey didn't care and had set up a nest. Telling people, this is to close to gulf to not build here ;-)
understand Street. All power lines here in FLA have spikes/dagger, today walking an Osprey didn't care and had set up a nest. Telling people, this is to close to gulf to not build here ;-)

My DF has an Osprey nest in a large pine tree in his back yard in central FL. I enjoy seeing them when I’m there. He’s less enthusiastic as there are fish bones all over the place.
todays toy delivery at ~ 802 , some kind of monkey. He took off at 800 and was gone two minutes with toy ;-)
and here is the Dahlgren Osprey Cam, Jack always seems to bring in lots of stuffed animals :D

Will be interesting to see with the bridge expansion and beach being taken out if / where he'll find his toys...

I'm in the same area at OP. Closest Osprey nest is 75 yards out my back door. Usually get a fish dropped on my car or near DW and I on our beach once yearly. Multiple times per month from here on out we see Osprey grabbing fish out of the river/bay. Every once in awhile we get to see a Navy, USMC or Air Force Osprey (V-22) fly over. We are very close to the test base. I just checked out back. Seems our nesting pair aren't here yet. Saw our first local one on Sunday about a mile up the road. My mother was a bird of prey watcher. She could barely pass the vision test at the DMV but could spot an eagle or hawk from 100 yds.
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There ya go DAWG, i just figured out what you can do in R3ti3rm3nt.... Put up a webcam, get about a million scribers and there ya go, all ya got to do is take me out to lunch once in a while!

I think I'll try to follow this one this year. I've followed another nest (Hellgate Canyon in Missoula, Montana) for many years and the last 2 or 3 seasons have been tragic failures. I need to watch a nest with some positive outcomes.
and so the toys start arriving, scroll back to 0820 for first arrival. actually looks like some other stuff is new too!


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