Photos of unusual real estate design choices


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Jan 31, 2008
They can get pretty weird with the outside as well. We had a somewhat eccentric architect in our old neighborhood who spent all his spare time for about ten years modifying an ordinary little house into his dream home. This is the Google Street View:
Screen Shot 2019-08-05 at 3.55.47 PM.jpg
They can get pretty weird with the outside as well. We had a somewhat eccentric architect in our old neighborhood who spent all his spare time for about ten years modifying an ordinary little house into his dream home. This is the Google Street View
Drug-induced dream, perhaps? That’s crazy. Thanks for posting. :)
Is the yellow foyer in the house with the yellow bathroom? Unlike most of the others, the yellow foyer place is more strange design than strange decoration.

So much of decorating reflects local norms and style of an era. Even the most tasteful decoration now will look odd 100 years from now.
That kitchen is "to die for". Literally. It would kill me to pay someone to decorate a kitchen like that.
The scary part is, the house is under contract:facepalm:
We don't know the terms.

A decent price and agreement to remove every wall decoration when they move out can go a long way.

Follow up with a sander, a couple of 5 gallon buckets of primer and paint and you can at least live in it. Most of the flooring is very neutral. Even the kitchen counters are not bad. The bathroom counters are the wildest thing, but they look ready for replacement. Huge back yard with pool, and the outside isn't mucked up too bad. I'm betting someone got a gem of a deal here for something fairly easy to literally paint over.

Some of the other houses, however, are problematic and symptomatic of unlicensed and dangerous work. Perhaps the best being the bathtub on the edge of the staircase.
There were several, uh, "odd" choices made with regards to bathtub locations.
We just bought a house and while house hunting we saw a few in person and online that took us aback, but nothing close to those. Jeeeeeeeeeez. Like someone else said, I’d hate to be the listing agent!
That's "creative" or "innovative" in realtor-speak.
I found the best innovation to be the two toilet solution. You and your partner can have a nice discussion while taking care of morning business.

EDIT: I just looked carefully at that photo and I think it is a setup. The second toilet (on the right) appears to just be placed there and is not hooked up. Nice prank, though!
I like the dueling morning constitutional setup as well. Bringing couples just a bit closer together every morning. We should all be so lucky.
I like the dueling morning constitutional setup as well. Bringing couples just a bit closer together every morning. We should all be so lucky.

Why stop there? You can talk to the whole family over breakfast. See the other photo with the dining room commode. I think that one is actually real.
Househunting we saw what we believe to be a white heavy extension cord emerging from the dry wall right beside an outlet into which it was plugged. Or was it a power strip? And the other end was buried somewhere inside the wall. It had been very precisely spackled, sanded and painted around. I shudder to think what was running off of It. It creeped me out so badly.
About 30+ years ago we were house hunting in central Mass. A house had come on the market, the agent had not yet seen it but the price and location met our specs (at least in the MLS, and back then the MLS was a book you paged through).

When we got there, the house was nothing special, but OK. The basement, however, had running water, and by that I mean literally a stream of water running from one side to the other. Our agent apologized profusely.
OMG! I thought we’d seen some pretty bad ones in our desert property search, but some of these are amazing!
Those are far more entertaining than the new construction houses we have looked at lately. It must take a while (and some planning) to get them to the stage in the op.
I'm going to use that LINK and have some fun on Houzz. "Hi All, We have contract on this house and would like to make a FEW changes, how best to attack this" ;-)
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